发布于 2015-02-27 23:23:03 | 432 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Apache Cordova
Cordova-ios 3.8.0 发布,此版本主要是各种 bug 修复,cordova-cli 4.3.0 发布的时候将会默认 iOS 的版本,此版本要求 Xcode 6。
npm install -g cordova cd my_project cordova platform update ios
To add it explicitly:
cordova platform add ios@3.8.0
非 CLI 项目请看升级指南。
CB-8436 Remove more bad quotes from build command
CB-8436 Remove unneeded “” when composing xcodebuild arguments (closes #130)
CB-8084 Allow for a way to disable push notification delegate methods (through xcconfig). Style fixup using uncrustify.
CB-7606 handleOpenURL not working correctly on cold start (handler not evaluated yet) and warm start
CB-8435 Enable jshint for iOS platform
CB-8417 moved platform specific js into platform
CB-8336 Remove plugin prefs from iOS defaults.xml
CB-8254 Enable use of .xcconfig when building for emulator
CB-8351 Deprecate all non-prefixed class extensions
CB-8358 Make –link an alias for –shared plus some code simplification.
CB-8197 Convert all bash scripts to node.js (closes #126)
CB-8314 Speed up Travis CI (close #125)
CB-8036 Don’t exclude bin/node_modules from npm pack (via .gitignore)
CB-7872 Fix CODE_SIGN_RESOURCE_RULES_PATH being set wrong in xcconfig (closes #120)
CB-8168 cordova/run --list
support for iOS (closes #122)
CB-8044 support for –nobuild flag in run script
CB-6637 Removed - request:isFragmentIdentifierToRequest: deprecated method in CDVWebViewDelegate (closes #121)
CB-8002 (CB-7735) Update cordova.js to include bridge fix
CB-5706 convert some of the bash scripts to nodejs (closes #118)
CB-8506 Use npm version of uncrustify in cordova-ios (devDependency only)
Have CordovaLib classes import CDVJSON_private.h rather than CDVJSON.h
Trim down checked-in node_module files to minimal set