发布于 2014-11-26 07:29:55 | 298 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
ApacheDS LDAP工具平台
Apache Directory Studio 是一个 LDAP 的工具平台,用来连接到任何 LDAP 服务器并进行管理和开发工作。
ApacheDS 2.0.0-M19 发布,此版本值得关注的是 2.0.0-M18 的一个安全问题修复。同时还修复了大量关键的 bug。
Apache Directory Studio 是一个 LDAP 的工具平台,用来连接到任何 LDAP 服务器并进行管理和开发工作。
Apache Directory ApacheDS 2.0.0-M19 改进列表:
Bugs 修复
<https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/DIRSERVER-2020> Poodle
remediation for ApacheDS 2.X
[DIRSERVER-2016] Race condition in PasswordPolicy Bind handling
[DIRSERVER-2016] Another Java 8 only error (with Kerberos)
[DIRSERVER-2016] Java 7 vs Java 8 : failure in Java 8
[DIRSERVER-2014] Synchronization is stopped if remote server was
not restored during refresh interval
[DIRSERVER-2012] Replication ignores startTLS when
ads-replStrictCertValidation is true
[DIRSERVER-2010] LdifFileLoader cannot load LDIFS from the
classpath unless they are very specific location
[DIRSERVER-2006] Licencing for apacheds-all
[DIRSERVER-2003] Remove ONE and SUB level index configuration from
default configuration file
[DIRSERVER-2002] OutOfMemory error while loading more than 70K
entries at once
[DIRSERVER-2001] Replication using TLS does not work when
confidentiality is enforced
[DIRSERVER-1992] LRUMap used as Entry DN cache in
AbstractBTreePartition is going into an inconsistent state
[DIRSERVER-1986] Delegated authentication fails when password
policy is enabled
[DIRSERVER-1978] Unable to import ldif when operational attribute
pwdChangedTime is present
[DIRSERVER-1965] An Index should speed up searches starting with '*'
主页: http://directory.apache.org/apacheds
下载: http://directory.apache.org/apacheds/downloads.html
用户指南: http://directory.apache.org/apacheds/basic-users-guide.html
ApacheDS (Apache Directory Server)的核心是目录服务,可以保存数据,并对不同类型的数据进行搜索操作。协议的实现在目录服务器顶层工作,提供与数据存储、搜索和检索有关的 Internet 服务。 ApacheDS 最重要的特性可能是利用不同协议公开目录服务的能力...