发布于 2014-11-20 23:22:51 | 174 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Immutant Clojure应用服务器
Immutant 是一个 Clojure 的应用服务器,它是一个集成平台,基于 JBoss AS 7 构建,提供 Ring 处理器、异步消息、缓存、任务调度、XA 事务、集群和守护进程等等支持。
Immutant 2 (The Deuce) Beta1 发布了,Immutant 是一个 Clojure 的应用服务器,这是一个基于 JBoss AS 7 的集成平台,用于 Ring 处理、异步消息、缓存、任务调度、XA 事务、集群和守护进程等等。
该版本在 API、性能和对 WildFly 8 和 WildFly 9 的兼容性上都已经稳定。
[IMMUTANT-399] - Add listeners interface for InfiniSpan caches
[IMMUTANT-468] - Records can't be sent over pipeline when embedded, but work in-container
[IMMUTANT-503] - Figure out what we're missing from our poms that clojars promotion expects
[IMMUTANT-504] - :context passed to msg/topic is ignored
[IMMUTANT-505] - immutant.wildfly causes wildlfly deploy to fail
[IMMUTANT-506] - Set the character encoding correctly for response content
[IMMUTANT-507] - Add option to run compute-bound handlers on IO thread
[IMMUTANT-508] - immutant.web.middleware/wrap-session misbehaves outside of server context
[IMMUTANT-510] - Consider adding more options to immutant.web.middleware/wrap-session
[IMMUTANT-511] - Catch errors from browse-url in run-dmc
[IMMUTANT-512] - Make the usage of ?-suffixed keywords for boolean options consistent
[IMMUTANT-513] - add section about context modes to messaging guide