发布于 2014-11-05 07:20:10 | 165 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Lynis Linux系统审计工具
Lynis是一个为系统管理员提供的 Linux和Unix的审计工具 。 Lynis扫描系统的配置,并创建概述系统信息与安全问题所使用的专业审计。
Lynis 1.6.4 发布,此版本现已提供下载,更新内容如下:
- Boot loader detection for AIX [BOOT-5102]
- Detection of getcap and lsvg binary
- Added filesystem_ext to report
- Detect rootsh
- Hide errors when RPM database is faulty and show suggestion instead [PKGS-7308]
- Allow OpenBSD to gather information on listening network ports [NETW-3012]
- Don't trigger warning for Shellshock when doing segfault test [SHLL-6290]
- Do not run Apache test on OpenBSD and strip control chars [HTTP-6624]
- Extended AIDE test with configuration validation test [FIND-4314]
- Improved Shellshock test regarding non-Linux support [SHLL-6290]
- Added support for gathering volume groups on AIX [FILE-6311]
- Properly parse PAM lines and add them to report [AUTH-9264]
- Support for boot loader detection on OpenBSD [BOOT-5159]
- Added uptime detection for OpenBSD systems [BOOT-5202]
- Support for volume groups on AIX [FILE-6312]
- Redirect errors when searching for readlink binary
Lynis是一个为系统管理员提供的 Linux和Unix的审计工具 。 Lynis扫描系统的配置,并创建概述系统信息与安全问题所使用的专业审计。