发布于 2014-10-20 04:29:09 | 313 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
NetXMS 系统监控工具
NetXMS 是一个新的,发展迅速的系统监控工具, 在GPL2许可下发布。它可用于监测整个IT基础设施,从支持SNMP的硬件(如交换机和路由器)到您的服务器或者是应用程序。 NetXMS是一个非常可靠和强大的监测系统,使您提高网络可用性和服务水平。
NetXMS 1.2.17 发布,此版本现已提供下载(netxms-1.2.17.tar.gz),更新内容如下:
- New DCI source: NXSL script executed on server - Configurable node matching policy for built-in syslog server (controlled by SyslogNodeMatchingPolicy configuration parameter) - Oracle monitoring subagent improved (bugs fixed, new metrics) - nxalarm tool supports commands add-comment and get-comments - Source port number added to events generated from SNMP trap (available via "sourcePort" named parameter) - Jira link: added possibility to set project's component for issues being created - ICMP proxy can be set for nodes - New methods in NXSL classes Node, Interface, and NetObj: setStatusCalculation and setStatusPropagation - New attributes "slot" and "port" in NXSL class Interface - Can execute arbitrary NXSL script in context of node, cluster, subnet, or container object from management console - Improved network topology changes detection - Added driver for H3C switches - Management console: - Can show alarms for multiple selected objects - Fixed non-working ordering in event list in alarm details view - Fixed bug with LDAP user system rights - Added default search string for LDAP to select all objects: "(objectClass=*)" - Added device geolocation tracking and display on map - Filter in event processing policy editor - Fixed bug with deletion of subnet with corrected IP - Added command line option to open specific dashboard after login - Android console: - Fixed issue #661 - Added node boot time to overview tab - Fix bug in notifying connection point not found - Fix bug in computing interface expanded list size (removed hardcoded values) - Added manage, unmanage, set expected state (up, down, ignore) and find switch port to interface list - Fix aesthetic problems in expandable list (graphs and interfaces list) - Integration of new support library - Target to new API version (20) - Fixed issues: #51, #91, #324, #359, #409, #532, #542, #571, #563, #590, #593, #613, #617, #624, #626, #629, #632, #635, #638, #639, #641, #642, #649, #658, #663 之前发布的版本更新日志: * * 1.2.16 * - Fixed database upgrade issues - Fixed packaging issues - Fixed bug causing outdated peer information on interface objects - Fixed bug with upload to agent default path from server file store - Instance display name for DCIs created via instance discovery - DCIs created via instance discovery can be combined by instance into one chart on performance tab - Transformation script terminated by "abort" call will not generate SYS_SCRIPT_ERROR event - Database manager can detect and fix missing IData and TData tables - NXSL: - String concatenation operation interprets NULL value as empty string instead of throwing runtime error - Fixed incorrect processing of ilike, match, and imatch operators - Added try / catch operator - New MIBs added: NETUP-MIB - Fixed issues: #424, #618, #619, #620 * * 1.2.15 * - LDAP support - Event names support in nxevent - Previous state parameter added to SYS_NODE_UP event - Added file management subagent (filemgr.nsm) - Removed agent configuration parameter EnableArbitraryFileUpload - New NXSL class "Zone" - New attributes "zone" and "zoneId" in NXSL classes "Node" and "Interface" - Syslog records from unmanaged nodes do not generate events - Syslog node matching improved - New access rights for nodes: - Download File (download file from agent to local workstation) - Upload File (upload file from local workstation to remote node) - Manage Files (move, rename and delete files on remote node) - Management console: - "Commands" box on node overview page made configurable - Object tools can have icons - "Last value" type gauge can show non-numeric values - "Trusted Nodes" property page shown for condition objects - Network map content can be copied to clipboard - Perspectives export/import - Topology related options in node's context menu grouped in "Topology" submenu - Added specialized view for IP routing table - Added specialized view for switch forwarding database - Agent configurations manager implemented - Android Console: - Added option in preference to show/hide legend in graphs - Object comments displayed - Added "Navigate to" option for objects with geolocation set - Fixed issues: #136, #158, #457, #512, #537, #540, #555, #564, #566, #584, #586, #594, #596, #597, #598, #602, #605, #606, #607, #608, #610, #612, #614 * * 1.2.14 * - STP (Spanning Tree Protocol) information used for topology discovery - Information source for interface peers (CDP, STP, etc.) shown in console - New NXSL function inList - New NXSL operator abort - New methods in NXSL class Node: enableAgent, enableConfigurationPoll, enableIcmp, enableSnmp, enableStatusPoll, enableTopologyPoll - Fixed server crash if SNMP proxy unavailable - New MIBs: AIRESPACE-REF-MIB, AIRESPACE-SWITCHING-MIB, AIRESPACE-WIRELESS-MIB, FROGFOOT-RESOURCES-MIB, MIKROTIK-MIB - SMS driver for websms.ru service - Macro expansion supported in pattern in agent parameters File.Size and File.Count - Attribute "instance" added to NXSL class "DCI" - Added "L" extension to DCI custom schedules - Traps from unmanaged nodes ignored - Fixed repeated threshold violation events after server restart - Added driver for Mikrotik routers - Added driver for Ubiquity Networks wireless access points - Added driver for Cisco Wireless Controller 4400 (former Airespace) - Wireless controller and access point support improved - Log monitoring subagent sends Windows event source, severity, and code to the server as part of NetXMS event - DB/2 driver and monitoring subagent included into Windows installation package - Management console: - DCI values can be shown on network map links - DCI value can be shown on map as immage, that checnges depending on DCI value - DCI value can be shown on map as a text - Colored background for DCIs with active thresholds in DCI summary tables - IP route visualisation improved - On table DCI threshold property page columns can be chosen from dropdown - Reporting server rewritten from scratch - Fixed issues: #71, #417, #528, #535, #536, #552, #558, #559, #560, #570, #572
NetXMS 是一个新的,发展迅速的系统监控工具, 在GPL2许可下发布。它可用于监测整个IT基础设施,从支持SNMP的硬件(如交换机和路由器)到您的服务器或者是应用程序。 NetXMS是一个非常可靠和强大的监测系统,使您提高网络可用性和服务水平。
该系统具有三层结构:信息收集,监测代理(无论是我们自己的高性能的代理或SNMP代理) ,并送交监测服务器的处理和储存。网络管理员可以访问收集到的数据使用的是Windows为基础的管理控制台,网络界面或管理控制台。
在设计上具有灵活性和可扩展性的考虑, NetXMS内容广泛的支持平台,让你自由选择平台(县)为您的网络。 NetXMS服务器的核心系统,目前适用于Windows NT/2000/2003/XP , Linux , Solaris和FreeBSD的。高性能的模块化监测代理商可为同一平台以及为OpenBSD系统, NetBSD的,的NetWare , HP - UX和AIX操作系统。 NetXMS目前支持以下数据库: MySQL和PostgreSQL数据库, Microsoft SQL Server和Oracle 。由于采用模块化结构,添加其他数据库的支持之需要短短几天时间。