发布于 2014-10-06 00:00:24 | 156 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Shrinkwrap 归档操作 Java API
Shrinkwrap 是归档操作的 Java API。Shrinkwrap 提供一个简单的 API 来接收类似 Java 的 JARs,WARs 的归档。ShrinkWrap 项目提供一个简单的 API 来程序化的接收代码归档,允许导出 ZIP 或者其他文件格式,使得更快的原型 "虚拟化" 的从资源中归档,比如类路径,文件系统或者远程 URLs。
Arquillian 团队发布了 ShrinkWrap Resolver 2.2.0-beta-1 。该版本更好的支持 Gradle,提升对 JDK 8 的支持,修复了大量的 bug 和处理来自社区特性请求。这是 2.2.0 正式版之前最重要的一次更新。
- SHRINKRES-162 - Resolved file extension returned instead of packaging type in MavenResolvedArtifact
- SHRINKRES-176 - MavenImporter archive name
- SHRINKRES-179 - Build Fails in JDK8
- SHRINKRES-182 - ShrinkWrap Resolver sometimes can't resolve a dependency with EJB packaging
- SHRINKRES-183 - Resolvers.configure(Class,ClassLoader) ignores ClassLoader?
- SHRINKRES-186 - MavenResolverSystemBase deprecates offline() but JavaDoc refer to wrong new usage
- SHRINKRES-195 - activeProfiles element from settings.xml seems to be ignored, property override not working
- SHRINKRES-197 - Use settings.security property to get settings-security.xml location
- SHRINKRES-198 - maven.util.FileUtil contains System.out.println
- SHRINKRES-200 - Wrong exception message if no service was found
- SHRINKRES-202 - withClassPathResolution method in ConfigurableMavenResolverSystemImpl ignores parameter
- SHRINKRES-204 - Broken filtering of archives via MavenImporter on Windows
- SHRINKRES-187 - ParsedPomFile does not expose test resources
- SHRINKRES-205 - Try to fork and use javac from path in MavenImporter if compiler is not found
Feature Request
- SHRINKRES-73 - Improve error message for unsupported type of dependency
- SHRINKRES-165 - Honor maven.legacyLocalRepo property
- SHRINKRES-181 - MavenArtifactInfo is missing info
- SHRINKRES-190 - implements equals and hashCode methods in MavenResolvedArtifactImpl / MavenArtifactInfoImpl
- SHRINKRES-196 - FormatStage should work in a JDK8 friendly way
感谢贡献者: Karel Piwko, Michal Matloka, The Alchemist, Pawan Dubey, Tadeas Kriz, John D. Ament, Alex Soto
历史版本 :
ShrinkWrap Resolver 2.2.5 发布
Arquillian ShrinkWrap Resolver 2.2.2 发布
ShrinkWrap 1.2.3 发布,归档操作 Java API
ShrinkWrap Descriptors 2.0.0-alpha-8 发布
ShrinkWrap Resolver 2.2.0 发布
ShrinkWrap Resolver 2.2.0-beta-2 发布
ShrinkWrap Descriptors 2.0.0-alpha-7 发布
ShrinkWrap Resolver 2.2.0-beta-1 发布