发布于 2014-09-17 23:19:10 | 149 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
GroupOffice 5.0.80/5.0.79 发布,这两个版本现已提供下载,更新内容如下:
17-09-2014 5.0.80
- Build error
17-09-2014 5.0.79
- Calendar: Disable context menu item "Create email for participants" when it's a private event and it's not yours.
- Added a little bit more height to the password dialog.
- Changed email toplevel domain name validation so new toplevel domains are also accepted
- Calendar: Month view: no need to left-click an event before right-clicking it anymore.
- Fixed max length problem in customfields.
同时还发布了 GroupOffice 6.0.22,此版本现已提供下载,更新内容如下:
17-09-2014 6.0.22
- Fixed table cal_events "files_folder_id"
- Added sort order field in the modules grid
- customcss: Make public uploaded files accessible without logging in to GO.
- Improved invoicing in projects2 module.
- Prefix and Suffix in custom field.