发布于 2014-09-14 23:31:33 | 244 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
GoAccess Apache 日志统计
GoAccess 是一款开源的网站日志实时分析工具。GoAccess 的工作方式很容易理解,就是读取和解析 Apache/Nginx/Lighttpd 的访问日志文件 access log,然后以更友好的方式把统计信息显示出来。统计的内容包括:访问概况、动态页面请求、静态页面请求(如图片、样式表、脚本等)、访客排名,访客使用 的操作系统,访客使用的浏览器,来路域名,404 错误,搜索爬虫,搜索关键词等等。
GoAccess 0.8.5 发布,此版本现已提供下载,更新内容如下:
* Fixed SEGFAULT when parsing a malformed request that doesn't have HTTP status.
GoAccess 0.8.4 更新内容如下:
Added ability to handle nginx non-standard status code 444 as 404. `--444-as-404` * Added and updated operating systems, and browsers. * Added excluded IP hits count to the general statistics panel on all reports. * Added HTTP nonstandard code '444' to the status code list. * Added the ability to count client errors (4xx) to the unique visitors count. Now by default it omits client errors (4xx) from being added to the unique visitors count as they are probably not welcomed visitors. 4xx errors are always counted in panels other than visitors, OS & browsers. `--4xx-to-unique-count` * Removed request status field restriction. This allows parsing logs that contain only a valid date, IPv4/6 and host. * Fixed issue when excluding IPv4/v6 ranges. * Fixed compile error due to missing include <sys/types.h> for type off_t (gcc 4.1).
GoAccess 是一个用来统计 Apache Web 服务器的访问日志的工具,速度非常快,可即时生成统计报表。