发布于 2014-09-14 22:48:00 | 274 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


Kdevelop 集成开发环境

Kdevelop是一个自由,开放的源代码IDE(集成开发环境)包括Linux,Solaris,FreeBSD的,Max OS X的其他类Unix系统,它是一个功能全,插件的可扩展IDE的C /Ç+ +和其他编程语言,它是基于上自1998年以来,KDevPlatform,KDE和Qt库和正在开发。

KDevelop 4.7.0 发布,此版本大大改善了系统的稳定性和性能。此版本标志着 KDE 4 的结束,下一个 KDevelop 5 是基于 KDE Frameworks 5 和 Qt5 的,未来几年的开发将不会添加新特性,KDevelop 4.7.0 是个长期稳定性保证的版本。

KDevelop 4.7.0 重要改进

  • The CMake support was improved and extended to ensure that all idioms needed for KF5 development are available.

  • The unit test support UI was polished and several bugs fixed.

  • In the same direction, some noteworthy issues with the QtHelp integration were addressed.

  • KDevelop's PHP language support now handles namespaces better and can understand traits aliases.

  • Furthermore, some first fruits of the Google summer of code projects are included in this release. These changes pave the path toward better support for cross compile toolchains.

  • Feature-wise, KDevelop now officially supports the Bazaar (bzr) version control system.

  • On the performance front, it was possible to greatly reduce the memory footprint when loading large projects with several thousand files in KDevelop.

  • Additionally, the startup should now be much faster.

KDevelop 4.7.0 下载

KDevelop-Project诞生于1998年,其目的是为KDE提供一个易用的集成开发环境(Integrated Development Environment)。此后,KDevelop IDE采用GPL进行发布, 它支持很多 程序设计语言.


历史版本 :
KDevelop 5.2.1 发布,集成单元测试工具
KDevelop 5.2 发布,改进对多种编程语言的支持
KDevelop 5.1.0 正式发布,带来大量新特性
KDevelop 即将发布 5.1 Beta 版,支持 LLDB
KDevelop 5.0 发布,集成开发工具
KDevelop 5.0.0 Beta2 发布,集成开发工具
KDevelop 5.0.0 Beta 发布,集成开发工具
KDevelop 4.7.2 发布,Linux 集成开发环境
KDevelop 4.7.0 发布,集成开发工具
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