发布于 2014-09-14 00:28:52 | 191 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
FindBugs Java 代码 Bug 分析插件
FindBugs 是一个静态分析工具,它检查类或者 JAR 文件,将字节码与一组缺陷模式进行对比以发现可能的问题。有了静态分析工具,就可以在不实际运行程序的情况对软件进行分析。不是通过分析类文件的形式或结构来确定程序的意图,而是通常使用 Visitor 模式。
FindBugs 3.0.0 发布,此版本现已提供下载,更新内容如下:
FindBugs supports Java 8 now (both as runtime and target platform).
FindBugs requires minimum Java 7 as runtime environment!
FindBugs uses ASM 5 now which means that some 3rd party detectors based on FindBugs 2.x/ASM 3 has to be upgraded.
New "Source" filter which can be used to filter out classes generated from other languages:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <FindBugsFilter> <Match> <Source name="~.*.groovy" /> </Match> </FindBugsFilter>
New "-auxclasspathFromFile" and "-analyzeFromFile" command line options.
New "nested" ant task attribute.
Various bug fixes, also many patches from community. Thanks for your contributions!