发布于 2014-09-09 00:01:03 | 422 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Apache Ambari Hadoop管理监控工具
Apache Ambari是一种基于Web的工具,支持Apache Hadoop集群的供应、管理和监控。Ambari目前已支持大多数Hadoop组件,包括HDFS、MapReduce、Hive、Pig、 Hbase、Zookeper、Sqoop和Hcatalog等。
Apache Ambari 1.7.0 Early Access 发布,Apache Ambari是一种基于Web的工具,支持Apache Hadoop集群的供应、管理和监控。Ambari目前已支持大多数Hadoop组件,包括HDFS、MapReduce、Hive、Pig、 Hbase、Zookeper、Sqoop和Hcatalog等。
Core Platform
Ubuntu support
Ambari Views framework
Ambari Administration
Management of users/groups
Management of view instances
Management of cluster permissions
Cancel/Abort background operation requests
New Host Check: THP (Transparent Huge Pages)
Download Service client configs
Expose Ambari UI for config versioning, history and rollback
Ability to manage -env.sh configuration files
Ability to set configuration properties as <final>
Migration "Jobs" tab into a "Jobs View" (e.g deliver as part of Views framework)
Ambari Stacks
Recommendations and validations (via a "stack advisor")
Ambari Blueprints
Export service configurations via Blueprint
Capabilities specific to HDP Stacks
Install + Manage Flume
Capacity Scheduler queue refresh
HDFS Rebalance (AMBARI-5934)
Delete ZooKeeper Server host component
ResourceManager HA
该版本同时还提供一个 Docker 容器版本:Ambari 1.7.0 Docker container