发布于 2014-09-05 23:58:18 | 275 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Calculate Linux 发行版
Calculate Linux是俄罗斯语的基于Gentoo的发行和自启动运行DVD,其目标在于能在任意数量的计算机上都易于使用、安装和升级。它提供两种版 本,Calculate Linux Desktop(CLD)和Calculate Linux Server(CLS)。
Calculate Linux 14 发布,此版本主要更新如下:
使用工具的 GUI 和 CLI 界面提供:
A somewhat comprehensive localisaton for the package manager, including the packages descriptions (only English and Russian now, French coming soon)
The full update cycle, beginning with the repos syncing, complete with updating all dependent libraries and configuration files
Cache for the calculated dependencies
Two system overlays are used, the basic one (Calculate) and the distribution specific one (Distros)
A new utility, cl-update-profile
is introduced, that handles profile updates and supports inherited overlays, with short links pointing to popular hosting services (such as GitHub and Bitbucket)
A profile can be inherited from several overlays at build time
Calculate 实用工具界面改善
Dracut 会被用来创建 initramfs,包括:
Support for regular SafeMode images as well as for optimized system configurations
登录界面使用 Plymouth 装饰
可以设置从 /etc/make.conf
搬运到 /etc/portage/make.conf
更多内容请看发行说明,下载: cld-14-x86_64.iso (KDE, 2,245MB, MD5, torrent), cldx-14-x86_64.iso (Xfce, 1,689MB, MD5, torrent), cmc-14-x86_64.iso (XBMC, 1,067MB, MD5, torrent)。
Calculate Linux是俄罗斯语的基于Gentoo的发行和自启动运行DVD,其目标在于能在任意数量的计算机上都易于使用、安装和升级。它提供两种版 本,Calculate Linux Desktop(CLD)和Calculate Linux Server(CLS)。