发布于 2014-08-28 23:49:04 | 210 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Apache CloudMonkey
Apache CloudStack 的 CloudMonkey 项目是一个基于 Python 的命令行工具集,用来跟 Apache CloudStack IaaS 云系统进行交互。提供了交互的 Shell 环境,包括命令发现、自动完成、多输出格式等。
Apache CloudMonkey 5.2.0 发布,Apache CloudStack 的 CloudMonkey 项目是一个基于 Python 的命令行工具集,用来跟 Apache CloudStack IaaS 云系统进行交互。提供了交互的 Shell 环境,包括命令发现、自动完成、多输出格式等。
Apache CloudStack 的 CloudMonkey 项目是一个基于 Python 的命令行工具集,用来跟 Apache CloudStack IaaS 云系统进行交互。提供了交互的 Shell 环境,包括命令发现、自动完成、多输出格式等。
- Multiple server profiles where users can use CloudMonkey against different CloudStack management servers and switch between them using a profile option; - A default profile under the section [local] is added with default values; - Some bugfixes related to network requests, error handling, JSON decoding and shell interactivity; - Every time 'set' is called, CloudMonkey will write the config and reload config file; - Configuration options 'protocol', 'host', 'port', 'path' are deprecated now but setting them is still allowed which sets a single "url" option, in the config file the [server] section is deprecated now and CloudMonkey won’t read values from this section anymore but instead read from current server profile; - Missing key/values are automatically set with defaults by CloudMonkey; - During installation and upgrades, it will detect the platform to install either pyreadline (Windows) or readline (OSX and Linux);