发布于 2014-08-22 00:17:40 | 203 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Barman PostgreSQL 备份和恢复管理器)
Barman (备份和恢复管理器) for PostgreSQL 是 PostgreSQL 数据库服务器的灾难恢复工具,允许远程备份多个服务器,帮助 DBA 在数据恢复阶段的关键工作。
Barman 1.3.3 发布,此版本改进了备份和监控的健壮性:
"smelly backup" 控件
对基础备份复制重新尝试的管理 ( "barman backup" 和 "barman recover" 命令)
此版本还增强了系统的可用性,通过更好的异常处理,输出和日志信息,支持 PostgreSQL 8.3。
重要 bug 修复:
Copies "recovery.conf" during remote "barman recover" (#43)
Correctly detect pre/post archive hook scripts (#41)
同时也修复了其他的一些小 bug。
pgespresso 扩展:https://github.com/2ndquadrant-it/pgespresso
Added "last_backup_max_age", a new global/server option that allows administrators to set the max age of the last backup in a catalogue, making it easier to detect any issues with periodical backup execution
Improved robustness of "barman backup" by introducing two global/server options: "basebackup_retry_times" and "basebackup_retry_sleep". These options allow an administrator to specify, respectively, the number of attempts for a copy operation after a failure, and the number of seconds of wait before retrying
Improved the recovery process via rsync on an existing directory (incremental recovery), by splitting the previous rsync call into several ones - invoking checksum control only when necessary
Added support for PostgreSQL 8.3
Minor changes:
Support for comma separated list values configuration options
Improved backup durability by calling fsync() on backup and WAL files during "barman backup" and "barman cron"
Improved Nagios output for "barman check --nagios"
Display compression ratio for WALs in "barman show-backup"
Correctly handled keyboard interruption (CTRL-C) while performing barman backup
Improved error messages of failures regarding the stop of a backup
Wider coverage of unit tests
Bug fixes:
Copies "recovery.conf" on the remote server during "barman recover" (#43)
Correctly detect pre/post archive hook scripts (#41)
RPMs for RHEL/CentOS 5: http://sourceforge.net/projects/pgbarman/files/1.3.3/barman-1.3.3-1.rhel5.noarch.rpm/download (dependencies: https://sourceforge.net/projects/pgbarman/files/rhel5-deps/)
RPMs for RHEL/CentOS 6: http://sourceforge.net/projects/pgbarman/files/1.3.3/barman-1.3.3-1.rhel6.noarch.rpm/download (dependencies: https://sourceforge.net/projects/pgbarman/files/rhel6-deps/)
pgespresso on PostgreSQL Extension framework (PGXN): http://pgxn.org/dist/pgespresso/
pgespresso RPM/Debian packages: https://sourceforge.net/projects/pgbarman/files/pgespresso/
PDF 文档: http://sourceforge.net/projects/pgbarman/files/1.3.3/barman-tutorial.en.pdf/download
Barman (备份和恢复管理器) for PostgreSQL 是 PostgreSQL 数据库服务器的灾难恢复工具,允许远程备份多个服务器,帮助 DBA 在数据恢复阶段的关键工作。