发布于 2014-08-18 00:00:35 | 152 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Monkey HTTP Daemon是一个Web服务器用C编写的,在Linux上工作,它是一个开源项目的HTTP/1.1协议为基础。
Monkey HTTP Daemon 是一个大约只有50KB的、功能强大而且速度非常快的 Web 服务器软件,支持 Linux 系统。它采用混合网络模型和线程epoll,具备很好的可扩展性和伸缩性,支持每秒数千访问连接。
Monkey HTTP Daemon 1.5.3 发布,此版本包括了一些小的 bug 修复,代号为 Emperor Tamarin,现已提供下载。
Scheduler: fix potential DDoS security issue when using FDT enable
Epoll: validate when registering connection with the Scheduler
Request: set correct path size when truncated
Request: unlink request node from global list
Mimetype: do not iterate off the start of the filename when looking for an extension
Request: don't search off the end of the body buffer for query strings
Utils: allocate enough space to include the null terminator when URL-decoding URLs
Method: correctly extract content length value from body buffer when pre-parsing
Mandril: fix network address reference
Libmonkey: do not use SO_REUSEPORT and set Mime default
Scheduler: on Libmonkey mode IP_CHECK, drop socket
加入 Monkey HTTP Daemon:
Mailing list: http://lists.monkey-project.com
IRC: irc.freenode.net #monkey
Linkedin: http://www.linkedin.com/groups/Monkey-HTTP-Daemon-3211216