发布于 2014-08-17 23:48:20 | 192 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
JAXX 开源的XML用户界面框架
JAXX是一个开源的XML用户界面框架。JAXX通过XML文件来描述组件和它们的相互作用,然后把这些XML文件编译到普通的Java classes中。开发用户界面组件用JAXX将比用平常Java代码更快速而且更容易。它的特性包括:强大的脚本编辑、数据绑定、CSS stylesheet支持等其它高级功能。
JAXX 2.10 发布,此版本文档请看这里,更新内容如下:
Add a new API to prevent to change of a selected item in a combo box Issue: #3423. Thanks to Tony Chemit. Resolved by tchemit.
Be able to access to BeanComboBox and BeanFilterableComboBox models Issue: #3422. Thanks to Tony Chemit. Resolved by tchemit.
Add a new method org.nuiton.jaxx.application.swing.AbstractApplicationUIHandler#quitInternalScreen Issue: #3424. Thanks to Tony Chemit. Resolved by tchemit.
Add init methods form BeanComboBox in org.nuiton.jaxx.application.swing.AbstractApplicationUIHandler Issue: #3425. Thanks to Tony Chemit. Resolved by tchemit.
Add more suitable JavaBeanObject API Issue: #3428. Thanks to Tony Chemit. Resolved by tchemit.
Add more methods in org.nuiton.jaxx.application.swing.action.ApplicationActionEngine Issue: #3420. Thanks to Tony Chemit. Resolved by tchemit.
Improve AbstractApplicationTableModel API Issue: #3435. Thanks to Tony Chemit. Resolved by tchemit.
Introduce JavaBeanObjectUtil class Issue: #3437. Thanks to Tony Chemit. Resolved by tchemit.
Use in AbstractApplicationTableModel the identifier propertyName as the default columnName Issue: #3438. Thanks to Tony Chemit. Resolved by tchemit.
Add RemoveablePropertyChangeListener class Issue: #3439. Thanks to Tony Chemit. Resolved by tchemit.
Improve the way to manage validators in application ui handler Issue: #3440. Thanks to Tony Chemit. Resolved by tchemit.
Introduce AbstractApplicationFormUIModel Issue: #3441. Thanks to Tony Chemit. Resolved by tchemit.
Improve AbstractApplicationUIHandler and deprecates some poor codes Issue: #3442. Thanks to Tony Chemit. Resolved by tchemit.
Create a unified API to listen both SimpleBeanValidator and ListBeanValidator Issue: #3443. Thanks to Tony Chemit. Resolved by tchemit.
Add a jaxx.runtime.validator.swing.SwingListValidatorMessageWidget Issue: #3445. Thanks to Tony Chemit. Resolved by tchemit.
Improve loading of SwingSession file and allow also to change it Issue: #3446. Thanks to Tony Chemit. Resolved by tchemit.
BUG 修复:
When NumberCellEditor lost focus, the edition should be canceled Issue: #3434. Thanks to Tony Chemit. Resolved by tchemit.
When table model changed (fireTableDataChanged invocation), beans are not removed from validator Issue: #3436. Thanks to Tony Chemit. Resolved by tchemit.
While init a UIAction on a button, the enabled state from button is lost Issue: #3447. Thanks to Tony Chemit. Resolved by tchemit.
Maven 库部署:http://repo1.maven.org/maven2
JAXX是一个开源的XML用户界面框架。JAXX通过XML文件来描述组件和它们的相互作用,然后把这些XML文件编译到普通的Java classes中。开发用户界面组件用JAXX将比用平常Java代码更快速而且更容易。它的特性包括:强大的脚本编辑、数据绑定、CSS stylesheet支持等其它高级功能。
<Application title='Hello World'>
<JLabel text='Hello World'/>