发布于 2014-08-13 23:50:14 | 396 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Apache Sqoop Hadoop和数据库数据迁移工具
Sqoop是一个用来将Hadoop和关系型数据库中的数据相互转移的工具,可以将一个关系型数据库(例如 : MySQL ,Oracle ,Postgres等)中的数据导入到Hadoop的HDFS中,也可以将HDFS的数据导入到关系型数据库中。
Sqoop是一个用来将Hadoop和关系型数据库中的数据相互转移的工具,可以将一个关系型数据库(例如 : MySQL ,Oracle ,Postgres等)中的数据导入到Hadoop的HDFS中,也可以将HDFS的数据导入到关系型数据库中。
Apache Sqoop 1.4.5 发布,此版本是 Sqoop 作为 Apache TLP 项目以来的第四个版本。
[SQOOP-1194] - Make changes to Sqoop build file to enable Netezza third party tests
[SQOOP-1323] - Update HCatalog version to 0.13 in Sqoop builds
[SQOOP-1324] - Support new hive datatypes in Sqoop hcatalog integration
[SQOOP-1325] - Make hcatalog object names escaped during creation so that reserved words are properly processed
[SQOOP-1326] - Support multiple static partition keys for better integration support
[SQOOP-1357] - QA testing of Data Connector for Oracle and Hadoop
[SQOOP-1363] - Document Hcatalog integration enhancements introduced in SQOOP-1322
[SQOOP-585] - Bug when sqoop a join of two tables with the same column name with mysql backend
[SQOOP-832] - Document --columns argument usage in export tool
[SQOOP-1032] - Add the --bulk-load-dir option to support the HBase doBulkLoad function
[SQOOP-1107] - Further improve error reporting when exporting malformed data
[SQOOP-1117] - when failed to import a non-existing table, the failure information includes NullPointerException
[SQOOP-1138] - incremental lastmodified should re-use output directory
[SQOOP-1167] - Enhance HCatalog support to allow direct mode connection manager implementations
[SQOOP-1170] - Can't import columns with name "public"
[SQOOP-1179] - Incorrect warning saying --hive-import was not specified when it was specified
[SQOOP-1185] - LobAvroImportTestCase is sensitive to test method order execution
[SQOOP-1190] - Class HCatHadoopShims will be removed in HCatalog 0.12
[SQOOP-1192] - Add option "--skip-dist-cache" to allow Sqoop not copying jars in %SQOOP_HOME%lib folder when launched by Oozie and use Oozie share lib
[SQOOP-1209] - DirectNetezzaManager fails to find tables from older Netezza system catalogs
[SQOOP-1216] - Improve error message on corrupted input while doing export
[SQOOP-1224] - Enable use of Oracle Wallets with Oracle Manager
[SQOOP-1226] - --password-file option triggers FileSystemClosed exception at end of Oozie action
[SQOOP-1227] - Sqoop fails to compile against commons-io higher then 1.4
[SQOOP-1228] - Method Configuration#unset is not available on Hadoop < 1.2.0
[SQOOP-1239] - Sqoop import code too large error
[SQOOP-1246] - HBaseImportJob should add job authtoken only if HBase is secured
[SQOOP-1249] - Sqoop HCatalog Import fails with -queries because of validation issues
[SQOOP-1250] - Oracle connector is not disabling autoCommit on created connections
[SQOOP-1259] - Sqoop on Windows can't run HCatalog/HBase multinode jobs
[SQOOP-1260] - HADOOP_MAPRED_HOME should be defaulted correctly
[SQOOP-1261] - CompilationManager should add Hadoop 2.x libraries to the classpath under Hadoop 2.x
[SQOOP-1268] - Sqoop tarballs do not contain .gitignore and .gitattribute files
[SQOOP-1271] - Sqoop hcatalog location should support older bigtop default location also
[SQOOP-1273] - Multiple append jobs can easily end up sharing directories
[SQOOP-1278] - Allow use of uncommitted isolation for databases that support it as an import option
[SQOOP-1279] - Sqoop connection resiliency option breaks older Mysql versions that don't have JDBC 4 methods
[SQOOP-1302] - Doesn't run the mapper for remaining splits, when split-by ROWNUM
[SQOOP-1303] - Can only write to default file system on incremental import
[SQOOP-1316] - Example for use of password file in docs is incorrect
[SQOOP-1322] - Enhance Sqoop HCatalog Integration to cover features introduced in newer Hive versions
[SQOOP-1329] - JDBC connection to Oracle timeout after data import but before hive metadata import
[SQOOP-1339] - Synchronize .gitignore files
[SQOOP-1353] - Sqoop 1.4.5 release preparation
[SQOOP-1358] - Add wallet support for Oracle High performance connector
[SQOOP-1359] - Fix avro versions in Sqoop to stop shipping hadoop1 jars with hadoop2
[SQOOP-1362] - TestImportJob getContent method doesn't work
[SQOOP-1365] - Do not print stack trace when we can't move generated .java file to CWD
[SQOOP-1370] - AccumuloUtils can throw NPE when zookeeper or accumulo home is null
[SQOOP-1372] - configure-sqoop does not export ZOOKEEPER_HOME
[SQOOP-1398] - Upgrade ivy version used to the latest release version
[SQOOP-1399] - Fix TestOraOopJdbcUrl test case
[SQOOP-1406] - Add license headers
[SQOOP-1410] - Update change log for 1.4.5
[SQOOP-435] - Avro import should write the Schema to a file
[SQOOP-1056] - Implement connection resiliency in Sqoop using pluggable failure handlers
[SQOOP-1132] - Print out Sqoop version into log during execution
[SQOOP-1137] - Put a stress in the user guide that eval tool is meant for evaluation purpose only
[SQOOP-1161] - Generated Delimiter Set Field Should be Static
[SQOOP-1172] - Make Sqoop compatible with HBase 0.95+
[SQOOP-1203] - Add another default case for finding *_HOME when not explicitly defined
[SQOOP-1212] - Do not print usage on wrong command line
[SQOOP-1213] - Support reading password files from Amazon S3
[SQOOP-1223] - Enhance the password file capability to enable plugging-in custom loaders
[SQOOP-1282] - Consider avro files even if they carry no extension
[SQOOP-1321] - Add ability to serialize SqoopOption into JobConf
[SQOOP-1337] - Doc refactoring - Consolidate documentation of --direct
[SQOOP-1341] - Sqoop Export Upsert for MySQL lacks batch support
[SQOOP-1373] - Sqoop import schema is locked shows NullPointerException
[SQOOP-767] - Add support for Accumulo
[SQOOP-1051] - Support direct mode connection managers in a generalized fashion
[SQOOP-1197] - Enable Sqoop to build against Hadoop-2.1.0-beta jar files
[SQOOP-1287] - Add high performance Oracle connector into Sqoop
[SQOOP-1207] - Allow user to override java source version
[SQOOP-1344] - Add documentation for Oracle connector
[SQOOP-1408] - Document SQL Server's --non-resilient arg
[SQOOP-1057] - Introduce fault injection framework to test connection resiliency