发布于 2014-08-13 05:49:19 | 183 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
MemSQL 分布式关系型数据库
MemSQL 3.1 发布了,值得关注的改进有:
Unmaterialized views which enable row- and column-level security with online ALTER VIEW.
Automatic cross-datacenter replication via a single REPLICATE DATABASE command. The slave site can be used as a hot backup and for offloading read processing from the main site.
INSERT and LOAD DATA are now transactional in the distributed system. Both commands now also support the IGNORE syntax.
INSERT...SELECT in the distributed system. INSERT...SELECT will automatically push down to the leaves across a foreign shard key or stream through the aggregator otherwise.
The aggregator can now stream GROUP BY queries rather than materializing a hash table. This has major performance and space implications for high cardinality GROUP BY queries.
MemSQL 提供免费的开发者版本(数据限制32G)和全功能试用版本(试用期30天)