发布于 2014-08-06 23:56:20 | 180 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Orchestrator MySQL 复制拓扑可视化工具
Orchestrator 是 MySQL 复制拓扑管理和可视化工具
Orchestrator 发布了 1.0.5 版本,该版本支持通过 master-master 拓扑逻辑重构主节点,此外支持提升 slave 节点作为协作主节点以及解除提升。
Drag a master:
Onto one of its slaves:
Making both co-masters:
You now have a multi-master topology. You may move slaves around between the masters. Or, if you like, detach the newly promoted co-master from its original master:
Now it becomes the single master:
Refactor as you will: