发布于 2014-07-24 00:31:50 | 235 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Apache cTAKES 自然语言处理系统
Apache 临床的文本分析和知识提取系统 (cTAKES) 是一个开源的自然语言处理系统,用于从临床电子病历自由文本中抽取信息。可处理临床笔记抽取出统一的医学语言系统(UMLS)——药物,疾病/障碍,标志/症状,解剖网站和程序等。
Apache cTAKES 3.2.0 发布,此版本现已提供下载。主要更新内容如下:
[CTAKES-63] - exception formed by malformed email address
[CTAKES-121] - cTakes distribution zip includes ctakes-resources-umls2011ab...jar in lib/
[CTAKES-263] - OpenJDK6: Out of memory error on CVD default example
[CTAKES-276] - Error grabbing Grapes -- [unresolved dependency: jwnl#jwnl;1.3.3: not found] from parser.groovy script
[CTAKES-281] - JdbcCollectionReader throw SQLException on empty input row from external param file
[CTAKES-284] - XML preamble must come before license header
[CTAKES-288] - Severity not set for DiseaseDisorderMention
[CTAKES-290] - bodyLocation not being set for diseases or signs/symptoms from LocationOfTextRelation
[CTAKES-296] - add ctakes-web-client into sandbox
[CTAKES-298] - Maven artefacts are missing dependency parser models
[CTAKES-46] - ctakes running problem (run cvd - ClassNotFoundException)
[CTAKES-84] - Create Regression Test Suite
[CTAKES-197] - Upgrade cTAKES to Java 7
[CTAKES-224] - Common Type System - Add field to save preferredText in IdentifiedAnnotation
[CTAKES-268] - Fix SentenceDetector training with updated OpenNLP API
[CTAKES-269] - log4j.xml filenotfound
[CTAKES-274] - StatusAnnoator to populate IdentifiedAnnotation.historyOf field
[CTAKES-278] - UMLS user and password should be validated
[CTAKES-291] - New Improved Dictionary Lookup (2)
[CTAKES-292] - Integrate YTEX with cTAKES
[CTAKES-294] - Wrong PROJECT_ATTR in ctakes-core/resources/launch/UIMA_CVD--core.launch
[CTAKES-297] - Create Factory methods for default pipeline and components
[CTAKES-300] - Integrate improved dictionary lookup (ctakes-dictionary-lookup2)
[CTAKES-82] - Add ctakes-temporal module
[CTAKES-200] - Add HL7/CCDA Sections
[CTAKES-286] - Deprecate pad-term-spotter
[CTAKES-301] - Create a cTAKES 3.2.0 Release
Apache 临床的文本分析和知识提取系统 (cTAKES) 是一个开源的自然语言处理系统,用于从临床电子病历自由文本中抽取信息。可处理临床笔记抽取出统一的医学语言系统(UMLS)——药物,疾病/障碍,标志/症状,解剖网站和程序等。