发布于 2014-07-23 23:48:04 | 207 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
AppScale 云计算平台
AppScale是一个云计算平台,是Google App Engine的开源实现,具体来说,AppScale实现了GAE开放的API,并提供基础设施和分布式应用程序工具(包括EC2和Eucalyptus)。
AppScale 2.0.0 在上个月18日就发布了,改进内容包括:
Better error messages for AppScale tools
Moved to package installation of most installed software (faster build)
Cleanup of instances on "appscale down"
Ability to support more dynamic code layout of Java applications
Upgraded Cassandra to 2.0.7
Use ntp service for clock sync
Have AppScale catch when there are not enough resources on start
Using openjdk instead of Oracle's JVM
Fixed issue where monit thought ZooKeeper was not running
Made build process more resilient
Dead code elimination
Wheezy support
Updated bootstrap script
Batching for datastore queries (better memory management and stability)
Support for list composite indexes
Support for distinct queries
Projection queries no longer fetch from the entity table (faster queries)
ZigZag Merge Join optimization
Taskqueue statistics now reports number of tasks pending in a queue
Fixed critical bug where a failed slave node would come up as master
Fixed critical bug with nginx failing to be reloaded
Experimental OpenStack agent (auto scaling)
AppScale 是一个平台,允许用户发布和托管自己的 Google App Engine 的应用程序。支持 Python, Java, and Go Google App Engine 平台.