发布于 2014-07-06 23:58:02 | 311 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Redmine 项目管理软件
Redmine是用Ruby开发的基于web的项目管理软件,是用ROR框架开发的一套跨平台项目管理系统,据说是源于Basecamp的ror版而来,支持多种数据库,有不少自己独特的功能,例如提供wiki、新闻台等,还可以集成其他版本管理系统和BUG跟踪系统,例如Perforce、SVN、CVS、TD等等。这种 Web 形式的项目管理系统通过“项目(Project)”的形式把成员、任务(问题)、文档、讨论以及各种形式的资源组织在一起,大家参与更新任务、文档等内容来推动项目的进度,同时系统利用时间线索和各种动态的报表形式来自动给成员汇报项目进度。
Redmine 2.5.2 和 2.4.6 发布,都是维护版本,包括许多 bug 修复,Rails 已升级到 3.2.19 版本。主要更新内容如下:
Redmine 2.5.2:
Defect #3483: Relative url for source links in notifications
Defect #16415: Users get e-mail notification twice, if they are watchers and assignees at the same time.
Defect #16519: Generating a spent time report on a list type custom field with multiple values causes an invalid SQL error
Defect #16564: Repository identifiers can be reserved words
Defect #16619: Mailer.token_for generates invalid message_id when using from address with full name
Defect #16655: start_date not set despite settings[default_issue_start_date_to_creation_date] being set.
Defect #16668: Redmine links broken when object name contains special characters
Defect #16669: Markdown formatter should use the :no_intra_emphasis extension
Defect #16708: Form is submitted when swithing tab
Defect #16739: custom_fields.json only returns single tracker instead of array of trackers
Defect #16747: Remove useless settings when editing a query from the gantt
Defect #16755: Field set as read-only still available in the issues list context menu
Defect #16795: Member#destroy triggers after_destroy callbacks twice
Defect #16798: Custom field - list type - checkboxes - unchecking all - does not save
Defect #16926: Custom field referencing deleted value trigger an error on display
Defect #16989: Inline images in email does not appear when thumbnail macro is used.
Defect #17003: Option to display bool custom fields as a single checkbox
Feature #3177: Add "Check for updates" functionality to installed plugins
Feature #16194: Ruby 2.1 support
Patch #16566: French "text_git_repository_note" translation
Patch #16700: Blank content type for attachments attached via Ajax file upload
Patch #16710: Support for the 1.x versions of mime-types gem
Patch #16781: Crash in markdown formatter causes ruby process to end
Patch #17166: Japanese translation update (plugin update check)
Patch #17301: Czech plugin strings
Redmine 2.4.6:
Defect #13932: File upload does not work with Safari
Defect #16467: back_url redirection does not work for '/'
Defect #16511: Potentiel data leak in "Invalid form authenticity token" error screen
Defect #16530: back_url redirection work for non sub uri
Defect #16711: Non-ascii attachment file name get corrupted in IE11
Defect #17151: File upload broken on Chrome 36
Defect #17235: use test_email report can't modify frozen String
Defect #17391: Upgrade to Rails 3.2.19
Patch #17206: Fix Invalid CSS on Error-Pages
2.5.2 (2014-07-06):
redmine-2.5.2.tar.gz (md5: 863785a593e52efd0e6a3c03946cf637)
redmine-2.5.2.zip (md5: 168db6cfede0c5f603cd76bedf908475)
2.4.6 (2014-07-06):
redmine-2.4.6.tar.gz (md5: 07fd9ce4db57bdf0d8222ab38d133f7f)
redmine-2.4.6.zip (md5: 9abbb9111078723656499199bfc63f9d)
Redmine 是一个开源的、基于Web的项目管理和缺陷跟踪工具。它用日历和甘特图辅助项目及进度可视化显示。同时它又支持多项目管理。Redmine是一个自由开放 源码软件解决方案,它提供集成的项目管理功能,问题跟踪,并为多个版本控制选项的支持。
虽说像IBM Rational Team Concert的商业项目调查工具已经很强大了,但想坚持一个自由和开放源码的解决方案,可能会发现Redmine是一个有用的Scrum和敏捷的选择。 由于Redmine的设计受到Rrac的较大影响,所以它们的软件包有很多相似的特征。
Redmine建立在Ruby on Rails的框架之上,支持跨平台和多种数据库。。