发布于 2014-06-18 08:51:45 | 154 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Immutant Clojure应用服务器
Immutant 是一个 Clojure 的应用服务器,它是一个集成平台,基于 JBoss AS 7 构建,提供 Ring 处理器、异步消息、缓存、任务调度、XA 事务、集群和守护进程等等支持。
Immutant 1.1.3 发布,此版本主要是 bug 修复。1.x 系列主要是修复 bug,Immutant 准备在 2.x 系列添加新特性,后续版本计划请看这里。
Files in directories that are created after deployment under `resources/' are now visible on the classpath.
The helper classes needed for cider-nrepl to load are now exposed by the appropriate classloader.
Applications that depend on org.clojure/tools.logging
and any Immutant namespace will now work properly when used outside of the container.
[IMMUTANT-446] - newly-generated cljs files don't get served without a server restart
[IMMUTANT-447] - Fix classpath issues with cider-nrepl middleware
[IMMUTANT-449] - immutant.logging fails outside of the container if tools.logging is loaded
安装或者升级到 1.1.3 版本,通过 Leiningen plugin:
$ lein immutant install 1.1.3
Immutant 是一个 Clojure 的应用服务器,这是一个基于 JBoss AS 7 的集成平台,用于 Ring 处理、异步消息、缓存、任务调度、XA 事务、集群和守护进程等等。