发布于 2014-06-13 14:57:11 | 313 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: oschina


Xtrabackup MySQL 备份工具

Xtrabackup是一个对InnoDB做数据备份的工具,支持在线热备份(备份时不影响数据读写),是商业备份工具InnoDB Hotbackup的一个很好的替代品。

Percona XtraBackup 2.2.3 GA 发布,XtraBackup 是一个用来备份 MySQL 的 InnoDB 数据库的开源工具。



  • Percona XtraBackup implemented support for Backup Locks.

  • Percona XtraBackup can now store backup history on the server itself in a special table created for that purpose.

  • Percona XtraBackup has been rebased on MySQL 5.6.17.

Bugs 修复:

  • Fixed the InnoDB redo log incompatibility with 5.1/5.5 server and compressed tables which was introduced by the upstream fix in MySQL 5.6.11 that could make InnoDB crash on recovery when replaying redo logs created on earlier versions. Bug fixed #1255476.

  • Percona XtraBackup did not flush the InnoDB REDO log buffer before finalizing the log copy. This would only become a problem when the binary log coordinates were used after restoring from a backup: the actual data files state after recovery could be inconsistent with the binary log coordinates. Bug fixed #1320685.

  • innobackupex now sets wsrep_causal_reads to 0 before executing FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK if the server is a member of the Galera cluster. Bug fixed #1320441.

  • storage/innobase/xtrabackup/CMakeLists.txt now honors the XB_DISTRIBUTION environment variable when configuring innobackupex.pl to innobackupex. Bug fixed #1320856.

  • Percona XtraBackup does not add XtraDB-specific fields when preparing a
    backup of an upstream MySQL server. Bug fixed #988310.

  • Information about backup type and parameters is now stored in the
    xtrabackup_info file in the backup directory. Bug fixed #1133017.

  • When backup locks are used, xtrabackup_slave_info should be written under BINLOG lock instead of TABLE lock. Bug fixed #1328532.

历史版本 :
Percona XtraBackup 2.3.7 发布,数据库备份工具
Percona XtraBackup 2.4.5 发布
Percona XtraBackup 2.2.10 发布
XtraBackup 2.2.9 发布,MySQL 备份工具
XtraBackup 2.2.8 发布,MySQL 备份工具
Percona XtraBackup 2.2.7 发布
Percona XtraBackup 2.2.6 发布
XtraBackup 2.2.5 发布,MySQL 热备工具
Percona XtraBackup 2.2.4 发布,MySQL 备份工具
Percona XtraBackup 2.2.3 GA 发布
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