jQuery-EasyUI 1.2.3 发布
来源:PHP程序员站 作者:PHP程序员站 发布时间:2011-04-26
Current Version: 1.2.3 ChangeLog: Bug window: Cannot resize the window with iframe content. fixed. tree: The node will be removed when dragging to its child. fixed. combogrid: The onChange event fires multiple times. fixed. accordion: Cannot add bat
Current Version: 1.2.3
- Bug
- window: Cannot resize the window with iframe content. fixed.
- tree: The node will be removed when dragging to its child. fixed.
- combogrid: The onChange event fires multiple times. fixed.
- accordion: Cannot add batch new panels when animate property is set to true. fixed.
- Improvement
- treegrid: The footer row and row styler features are supported now.
- treegrid: Add 'getLevel','reloadFooter','getFooterRows' methods.
- treegrid: Support root nodes pagination and editable features.
- datagrid: Add 'getFooterRows','reloadFooter','insertRow' methods and improve editing performance.
- datagrid: Add 'loadFilter' option that allow users to change original source data to standard data format.
- draggable: Add 'onBeforeDrag' callback event function.
- validatebox: Add 'remote' validation type.
- combobox: Add 'method' option.
- New Plugins
- propertygrid: Allow users to edit property value in datagrid.
License: GPL License Commercial License
Auto parse classes:
- easyui-linkbutton
- easyui-accordion
- easyui-menu
- easyui-menubutton
- easyui-splitbutton
- easyui-layout
- easyui-panel
- easyui-tabs
- easyui-tree
- easyui-window
- easyui-dialog
- easyui-datagrid
- easyui-propertygrid
- easyui-treegrid
- easyui-combobox
- easyui-combotree
- easyui-numberbox
- easyui-validatebox
- easyui-numberspinner
- easyui-timespinner
- easyui-calendar
- easyui-datebox
- easyui-datetimebox
- draggable
- droppable
- resizable
- panel
- tabs
- accordion
- layout
- linkbutton
- menubutton
- splitbutton
- menu
- form
- combo
- combobox
- combotree
- combogrid
- numberbox
- validatebox
- spinner
- numberspinner
- timespinner
- window
- dialog
- datagrid
- propertygrid
- pagination
- tree
- treegrid
- calendar
- datebox
- datetimebox
- parser
下载EasyUI : jquery-easyui-1.2.3.zip
延伸阅读:jQuery EasyUI 1.2.1 发布