"Why Can't I ConNECt?" 是一个 TCP/IP 连接错误诊断工具。支持常用的网络协议诊断。

Why Can't I Connect? 1.12.1 发布
Why Can't I Connect? 1.12.1 发布,此版本为 Microsoft SQL Server,MySQL Server,FTP 和 IRC 添加 SSL/TLS 支持。下载:WhyCantIConnect_1_12_1_Install.exe (23.3 MB)"Why Can't I Connect?" 是一个 TCP/IP 连接错误诊断工具。支持常用的网络协议诊断。

发布于 2015-12-29 09:49:22 | 163 次阅读

Why Can't I Connect? 1.12.0 发布
Why Can't I Connect? 1.12.0 发布,此版本主要改进:为 IMAP, POP3, SMTP, LDAP, Usenet 和 Generic Client connections 添加 SSL / TLS 支持 添加一个 trace 来显示一个连接后的 SSL / TLS 认证信息修复当连接一个 Generic Client 时期望响应的问题下载:WhyCantIConnect_1_12_0_Install.exe (23.3 MB)更多内容

发布于 2015-12-13 00:48:39 | 156 次阅读

Why Can't I Connect? 1.11.3 发布
Why Can't I Connect? 1.11.3 发布,此版本主要改进如下:Added a cancel button to the connecting progress dialogMoved the acquiring local address, binding, and acquiring server address functions to their own threadAdded a progress / cancel dialog for this threadAdded detection of system logout /

发布于 2015-09-14 00:01:32 | 121 次阅读

Why Can't I Connect? 1.11.2 发布
Why Can't I Connect? 1.11.2 发布,主要改进如下:1.  修复 Linux 系统偶尔崩溃的问题 2.  In the WiFi / wired login check, test that the expected router login page is listening on port 80 before launching it in a browser.3.  各种 bug 修复下载:WhyCantIConnect_1_11_2_Install.exe (22.8

发布于 2015-08-01 00:53:39 | 241 次阅读

Why Can't I Connect? 1.11.0 发布
Why Can't I Connect? 1.11.0 发布,此版本更新内容如下:为工具菜单添加了 "Check WiFi / Wired Network Login" 菜单项;工具条也体那家了按钮Added a check to see if the error pattern of a possible incomplete WiFi / wired network login is detected on any con

发布于 2015-06-15 00:24:03 | 115 次阅读

Why Can't I Connect? 1.10.3 发布
Why Can't I Connect? 1.10.3 发布,更新内容如下:1.  Changed the visible trace to be easier to read.  2.  Changed the remembering of a server name to the drop down list from when it is connected to when it's IP address is resolved. 3.  Changed the default timeou

发布于 2015-05-26 01:20:30 | 154 次阅读

Why Can't I Connect? 1.10.1 发布
Why Can't I Connect? 1.10.1 发布,此版本现已提供下载(WhyCantIConnect-1.10.1.tar.gz),更新内容如下:Added a major enhancement to the Neighbors Tool.  Added a question dialog in preferences after changing the application language to synchronize the trace language.Now s

发布于 2015-01-31 01:19:49 | 151 次阅读

Why Can't I Connect? 1.9.1 发布
Why Can't I Connect? 1.9.1 发布,此版本更新内容如下:1.  修改了 Knowledge Base 的 URL,适应网站的重新设计 (https://www.whycanticonnect.com)2.  小的改进3.  一个小的 bug 修复如果加载 ICMP dll 失败,可以禁用 neighbors 工具,现在只

发布于 2014-11-09 00:00:40 | 153 次阅读

Why Can't I Connect? 1.9.0 发布
Why Can't I Connect? 1.9.0 发布,此版本现已提供下载,更新内容如下:1.  添加了 neighbors 工具,使用一定范围的 IP 地址标识了所有命名的设备。注意:neighbors 工具在你的操作系统使用 socket 函数 getnameinfo ,ICMP echo 请求。这

发布于 2014-10-14 23:25:42 | 133 次阅读

Why Can't I Connect? 1.8.5 发布
Why Can't I Connect? 1.8.5 发布,此版本包括了一些功能增强,方便 trace 的阅读。更新内容如下:1. added a task parameters trace at the beginning of the connection tests. 2. added the ability to select the trace detail level in the trace menu. "Why Can't I Conne

发布于 2014-09-03 23:18:21 | 154 次阅读

Why Can't I Connect? 1.8.4 发布
Why Can't I Connect? 1.8.4 发布,此版本更新内容如下:1.  添加“Produce email” 脚本元素2.  添加信号 Generic Client 连接和从服务器发送响应等待功能3.  添加设置脚本信息框大小的功能4.  各种 bug 修复"Why Can't I Co

发布于 2014-08-11 23:18:19 | 158 次阅读

Why Can't I Connect? 1.8.3 发布
Why Can't I Connect? 1.8.3 发布,此版本更新内容如下:Added a right click pop-up menu to the main window containing "Select All" and "Copy".Added the ability to drag and drop the selected item(s) from the main window."Why Can't I Connect?" 是一个

发布于 2014-07-26 00:20:25 | 140 次阅读

Why Can't I Connect? 1.8.2 发布
Why Can't I Connect? 1.8.2 发布,此版本更新内容如下:Fixed a bug that reported an invalid script file when creating a new script in the Add / Edit menu option. Added the option to enable / disable trace dates and times.  Added the "Clear Trace" script element. Added

发布于 2014-07-06 23:20:00 | 162 次阅读

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