Apache Maven 3.0 beta 1 发布
来源:互联网 作者: 发布时间:2010-04-30
Apache Maven 3.0-beta-1 版本发布了!尽管还有很多重要的功能
Apache Maven 3.0-beta-1 版本发布了!尽管还有很多重要的功能要在maven 3中实现,但是该项目已经成功的从alpha 过渡 到beta版。
[MNG-1701] - Validate that a plugin is not configured twice in the pom
[MNG-2187] - Improve error message when the pom is encoded in the wrong charset
[MNG-2741] - [regression] Meaningless error message: "Error transferring file"
[MNG-3004] - Allow build lifecycle to execute projects in parallel
[MNG-3779] - Improve error message when trying to execute mojo with no pom.xml
[MNG-4162] - Removal of all reporting logic from the core of Maven
[MNG-4194] - API to safely release of plugin realms
[MNG-4591] - Enhance the download rate output to include downloaded file name
[MNG-4610] - Bump maven-release-plugin to v2.0 in super POM
[MNG-4619] - Issue warning in case parent.relativePath points at POM with different groupId/artifactId
[MNG-4623] - model parsing errors can be less helpful in Maven 3
[MNG-4628] - ReactorArtifactRepository is not setup soon enoug AbstractMavenLifecycleParticipant#afterProjectsRead
[MNG-4634] - Allow custom lifecycles
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