发布于 2017-07-18 00:23:37 | 139 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Apache JackRabbit
Apache JackRabbit是一个开放源码的JSR-170 实现,实现了Level 2,但它还有许多扩展的功能。
Apache Jackrabbit Oak 1.6.3 已发布,Jackrabbit Oak 1.6.3 是一个补丁版本,其中包含了对 Oak 1.6 的修复和改进。 Jackrabbit Oak 1.6.x 版本被认为是稳定的,可用于生产环境。
[OAK-5908] - BlobIdTracker should not resurrect deleted blob ids in a clustered/shared setup after GC
[OAK-5949] - XPath: string literals parsed as identifiers
[OAK-6374] - S3Backend masks actual thrown error when problem in filtering properties
[OAK-6391] - With FastQuerySize, getSize() returns -1 if there are exactly 21 rows
[OAK-6410] - NPE when removing inexistent property from checked in node
[OAK-6413] - FileCache getIfPresent doesn't update cache hit/miss counters
[OAK-5899] - PropertyDefinitions should allow for some tweakability to declare usefulness
[OAK-6351] - Invalidate cache entries when getChildNodes() is aborted
[OAK-6388] - Enable Azure shared access signature for blob store connector
[OAK-6427] - Duplicate class: MongoDocumentStoreHelper