发布于 2017-07-18 00:23:37 | 139 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


Apache JackRabbit

Apache JackRabbit是一个开放源码的JSR-170 实现,实现了Level 2,但它还有许多扩展的功能。

Apache Jackrabbit Oak 1.6.3 已发布,Jackrabbit Oak 1.6.3 是一个补丁版本,其中包含了对 Oak 1.6 的修复和改进。 Jackrabbit Oak 1.6.x 版本被认为是稳定的,可用于生产环境。



  • [OAK-5908] - BlobIdTracker should not resurrect deleted blob ids in a clustered/shared setup after GC

  • [OAK-5949] - XPath: string literals parsed as identifiers

  • [OAK-6374] - S3Backend masks actual thrown error when problem in filtering properties

  • [OAK-6391] - With FastQuerySize, getSize() returns -1 if there are exactly 21 rows

  • [OAK-6410] - NPE when removing inexistent property from checked in node

  • [OAK-6413] - FileCache getIfPresent doesn't update cache hit/miss counters


  • [OAK-5899] - PropertyDefinitions should allow for some tweakability to declare usefulness

  • [OAK-6351] - Invalidate cache entries when getChildNodes() is aborted

  • [OAK-6388] - Enable Azure shared access signature for blob store connector


  • [OAK-6427] - Duplicate class: MongoDocumentStoreHelper


历史版本 :
Apache Jackrabbit Oak 1.0.41 发布,内容储存库
Apache Jackrabbit Oak 1.8.0 发布,内容资源库
Apache Jackrabbit Oak 1.7.14 发布,内容资源库
Apache Jackrabbit 2.15.8 发布,内容储存库
Apache Jackrabbit Oak 1.7.11 发布,内容资源库
Apache Jackrabbit 2.14.4 发布,内容资源库
Apache Jackrabbit Oak 1.7.10 发布,内容资源库
Apache Jackrabbit Oak 1.7.7 发布,内容资源库
Apache Jackrabbit 2.14.3 发布,内容资源库
Apache Jackrabbit Oak 1.6.5 发布,内容资源库
Apache Jackrabbit Oak 1.0.39 发布,内容资源库
Apache Jackrabbit Oak 1.2.27 稳定版发布
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