发布于 2017-03-26 00:47:49 | 166 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


RocksDB key-value存储系统

RocksDB 是一个来自 facebook 的可嵌入式的支持持久化的 key-value 存储系统,也可作为 C/S 模式下的存储数据库,但主要目的还是嵌入式。RocksDB 基于 LevelDB 构建。

RocksDB 5.2.1 发布了,


公共 API 更改

  • NewLRUCache() will determine number of shard bits automatically based on capacity, if the user doesn't pass one. This also impacts the default block cache when the user doesn't explict provide one.

  • Change the default of delayed slowdown value to 16MB/s and further increase the L0 stop condition to 36 files.

  • (Experimental) Two-level indexing that partition the index and creates a 2nd level index on the partitions. The feature can be enabled by setting kTwoLevelIndexSearch as IndexType and configuring index_per_partition.


  • Added new overloaded function GetApproximateSizes that allows to specify if memtable stats should be computed only without computing SST files' stats approximations.

  • Added new function GetApproximateMemTableStats that approximates both number of records and size of memtables.

Bug 修复

  • RangeSync() should work if ROCKSDB_FALLOCATE_PRESENT is not set

  • Fix wrong results in a data race case in Get()

  • Some fixes related to 2PC.

  • Fix several bugs in Direct I/O supports.

  • Fix a regression bug which can cause Seek() to miss some keys if the return key has been updated many times after the snapshot which is used by the iterator.


历史版本 :
RocksDB 5.9.2 发布,可持久化 key-value 存储系统
RocksDB 5.8.8 发布,可持久化 key-value 存储系统
RocksDB 5.8.7 和 5.7.5 发布,key-value 存储系统
RocksDB 5.8.6 发布,可持久化 key-value 存储系统
RocksDB 5.8 发布,可持久化 key-value 存储系统
RocksDB 5.7.3 发布,可持久化 key-value 存储系统
RocksDB 5.7.2 发布,可持久化 key-value 存储系统
RocksDB 5.7.1 发布,可持久化 key-value 存储系统
RocksDB 5.6.1 发布,可持久化 key-value 存储系统
RocksDB 5.5.4 和 5.5.5 发布,修改开源授权协议
RocksDB 5.5.2 发布,可持久化 key-value 存储系统
RocksDB 5.5.1 和 5.4.7 发布,可持久化 key-value 存储系统
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