发布于 2017-03-14 00:31:37 | 146 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Framework7 HTML 移动端框架
Framework7 或者叫 F7 是全功能的绑定 iOS 7 应用的 HTML 框架。Framework7 是免费开源的 HTML 移动端框架,用来开发混合移动端应用或者 iOS 7 的 Web 应用,并且带有 iOS 7 的原生外观和感觉。Framework7 也是独立的原型应用工具。
Framework7 v1.5.4 发布了,
A bit reworked Panels layout/styling in favor oftranslate
CSS property. May required small CSS fixes after update if you have changed panels sizes
Panels Breakpoints to bring Split View easier. Two new app parameters panelLeftBreakpoint
and panelRightBreakpoint
where you can specify minimal width to make panels always visible
Fixed Chrome issue that now treats most of touch events as "passive"
New autoFocus
parameter to open standalone autcomplete and auto focus search field
New openWithAnimation
parameter (enabled by default) brings option to open standalone autocomplete without animation (if required)
now fires "change" events on form fields
iOS theme
Fixed issue on Chrome with invisible range slider thumb
Material theme:
Better support for bottom Toolbar/Tabbar
Navbars/Toolbars now have shadows by default. Use additional "no-shadow" class on navbar/toolbar to disable shadow on it
Status Bar height increased to 24px in Material theme
Theme color is also applicable to Status Bar overlay for Material theme
Swiper updated to latest 3.4.2 version
Lot of minor fixes