发布于 2017-03-11 00:21:37 | 195 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
PhalconPHP 是一个使用 C 扩展开发的 PHP Web 框架,提供高性能和低资源占用。
Cphalcon 3.1.0-alpha1(预览版) 发布了,这是 3.1.x 系列的首个公开 alpha 版。
Added PhalconValidationValidatorCallback
, PhalconValidation::getData
Added the ability to truncate database tables
Added PhalconMvcModelBinder
, class used for binding models to parameters in dispatcher, micro, added PhalconDispatcher::getBoundModels
and PhalconMvcMicro::getBoundModels
to getting bound models, added PhalconMvcMicroCollectionLazyLoader::callMethod
Added afterBinding event to PhalconDispatcher
and PhalconMvcMicro
, added PhalconMvcMicro::afterBinding
Added the ability to set custom Resultset class returned by find() #12166
Added the ability to clear appended and prepended title elements (PhalconTag::appendTitle, PhalconTag::prependTitle). Now you can use array to add multiple titles. For more details check #12238.
Added the ability to specify what empty means in the 'allowEmpty' option of the validators. Now it accepts as well an array specifying what's empty, for example ['', false]
Added the ability to use PhalconValidation
with PhalconMvcCollection
, deprecated PhalconMvcModelValidator
Fixes internal cache saving in PhalconMvcModelBinder
when no cache backend is used
Added the ability to get original values from PhalconMvcModelBinder
, added PhalconMvcMicro::getModelBinder
, PhalconDispatcher::getModelBinder
Added prepend
parameter to PhalconLoader::register
to specify autoloader's loading order to top most
Fixed PhalconSessionBag::remove
to initialize the bag before removing a value #12647
Fixed PhalconMvcModel::getChangedFields
to correct detect changes from NULL to Zero #12628
Fixed PhalconMvcModel
to create/refresh snapshot after create/update/refresh operation #11007, #11818, #11424
Fixed PhalconMvcModel::validate
to correctly set code message #12645
Added the value of the object intanceof Interface to PhalconAclAdapterMemory
Fixed PhalconMvcModel
to correctly add error when try to save empty string value to not null and not default column #12688
Fixed PhalconValidationValidatorUniqueness
collection persistent condition