发布于 2017-02-03 03:30:30 | 188 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
WildFly Java 应用服务器
红帽公司宣布 JBoss AS 的继任者 WildFly,WildFly 将推动下一代应用服务器技术的发展,这个项目的名字是 JBoss.org 社区成员在 2012 年底投票产生。
WildFly 将继续保留 JBoss 企业应用平台并定位一些关键的中间件技术,包括更灵活和更先进的应用开发,实现开放混合云和 Java EE 7.
WildFly Swarm 2017.2.0 发布了,
New docs and config visibility
defaults to WAR
Fraction auto detection for Arquillian
Security Constraints in Yaml
Update to Keycloak 2.5.0.Final
[SWARM-1042] Remove deprecated classes (Done)
[SWARM-1025] Move Camel Arquillian tests into /testsuite (Done)
[SWARM-1024] Add checkstyle to fraction plugin build (Done)
[SWARM-999] Update Keycloak Document (Done)
[SWARM-998] Add Keycloak Example (Done)
[SWARM-997] Change SNAPSHOT repository to Maven Central (Done)
[SWARM-977] Enabling Logstash Example (Done)
[SWARM-971] Add Code Style verification to build (Done)
[SWARM-941] Use our SWARM_VERSION variable to keep generator and front-page up-to-date (Done)
Feature Request
[SWARM-1028] security-domain modules should support the module attribute (Done)
[SWARM-986] Non main() way to create Keycloak Security Constraints settings (Done)
[SWARM-981] Support List as Configurable (Done)
[SWARM-1023] Arquillian should not be detected for BOM but always included (Done)
[SWARM-1000] Support parsing fractions-list.json from a different source (Done)
[SWARM-994] Switch @DefaultDeployment to be WAR and not JAR type by default (Done)
[SWARM-967] Improve documentation around project stage configuration (Done)
[SWARM-958] Improve hierarchy of keys for project-stages (Done)
[SWARM-907] Generate configuration api for Keycloak (Done)
[SWARM-891] Swarm’s Arquillian container should support fraction autodetection (Done)
[SWARM-838] Config API’s version number should be >= 1 (Done)
[SWARM-672] Extend StageConfig to load info from a different Source (Done)
[SWARM-446] Allow to configure hystrix from project-stages.yml (Done)
[SWARM-1017] FileSystemException while attempting to move files in the jaxrs/scala example on Windows (Done)
[SWARM-992] Set modifiable List to fields in var-args mutator method for model of List to enable the fields to mutate (Done)
[SWARM-990] RuntimeDeployer does not put classes into correct location in archive (Done)
[SWARM-987] Can’t enable spatial dialect with hibernate (Done)
[SWARM-982] LogstashCustomizer overrides existing root-logger level and handlers (Done)
[SWARM-980] Java EE 7 samples: CDI injection fails in some Arquillian in-container tests (Done)
[SWARM-979] Java EE 7 samples: UserTransaction not found in JNDI (Done)
[SWARM-975] Changing from 2016.12.0 to 2016.12.1 break with "WELD-001408: Unsatisfied dependencies for type SocketBindingGroup" (Done)
[SWARM-966] Not loaded modules located by user with wildfly-swarm:run/Run from IDE (Done)
[SWARM-919] management resources added by Customizers not visible in the Configurables log (Done)
[SWARM-910] HTTPS and CDI in combination (Out of Date)
[SWARM-878] The /node endpoint returns json with wfs-version = fixme (Done)
[SWARM-873] cdi fraction + remoting fraction + wildfly-swarm:run = deployment failure (Done)
[SWARM-866] Surface new config properties/yaml information via java -jar myapp-swarm.jar --help (Done)
[SWARM-840] CDI / MAIL incompatibility on windows (Done)
[SWARM-839] Swagger unable to set basePath (Done)
[SWARM-718] Adding "jaxrs-validator" fragment causes ClassMate to be contained in resulting WAR (Cannot Reproduce Bug)
[SWARM-677] Not resolving dependencies from local repo in Arquillian integration tests (Done)
Component Upgrade
[SWARM-1015] Upgrade Examples to Arquillian Drone 2.0.1.Final and Arquillian 1.1.12.Final (Done)
[SWARM-689] Upgrade Keycloak to 2.4.0 (Done)