发布于 2017-01-25 23:58:06 | 586 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


Spring Framework 开源j2ee框架

Spring是什么呢?首先它是一个开源的项目,而且目前非常活跃;它是一个基于IOC和AOP的构架多层j2ee系统的框架,但它不强迫你必须在每一层 中必须使用Spring,因为它模块化的很好,允许你根据自己的需要选择使用它的某一个模块;它实现了很优雅的MVC,对不同的数据访问技术提供了统一的接口,采用IOC使得可以很容易的实现bean的装配,提供了简洁的AOP并据此实现Transcation Managment,等等

Spring 4.3.6 发布了,该维护版本是即将发布的 Spring Boot 1.4.4 和 1.5.0 版本的基础,包括超过 60 个修补程序和选定的改进。更新如下:


  • [SPR-14892] - Injecting bean in configurable class using load-time weaving broken when referenced on scoped-proxy class

  • [SPR-15026] - LinkedCaseInsensitiveMap does not properly support Java 8's merge() and compute() methods

  • [SPR-15029] - ConcurrentModificationException in AbstractRequestExpectationManager

  • [SPR-15041] - Constant error 416 for a byte-range request with content type application/octet-stream

  • [SPR-15042] - Regression with poolTargetSource and scoped proxy

  • [SPR-15055] - AutoProxyRegistrar throws NullPointer on @kotlin.Metadata Annotation

  • [SPR-15060] - Annotated method argument matching performance issue

  • [SPR-15082] - Spring validation crashes with Hibernate Validation 5 style list constraint violations

  • [SPR-15088] - DefaultRedirectStrategy.sendRedirect with relative URL and ForwardedHeaderFilter add contextpath to URL twice

  • [SPR-15117] - Can't autowire BiMap: container resolves non-matching Map of value beans

  • [SPR-15123] - Incorrect resolution of ResolvableAttributes when MessageSourceSupport#alwaysUseMessageFormat is true

  • [SPR-15125] - Modification in AbstractAutowireCapableBeanFactory to prevent stackoverflow errors causes context not to load.

  • [SPR-15145] - SimpleApplicationEventMulticaster should not rely on ClassCastException having a message

  • [SPR-15151] - HeaderMethodArgumentResolver doesn't resolve Optional.empty() for non-existing header

  • [SPR-15160] - Collection autowiring does not resolve field-level type variable against containing class

  • [SPR-15179] - HiddenHttpMethodFilter may disturb error rendering when handling malformed multipart request

  • [SPR-15186] - InvocableHandlerMethod should call GenericTypeResolver with getBeanType() and only once


  • [SPR-14097] - getBeanNamesForType(ResolvableType) does not reliably work for beans with AOP proxies

  • [SPR-14503] - Allow configuring the message converter in HttpPutFormContentFilter

  • [SPR-14505] - Deterministic and JVM-independent @Bean registration order within Class-reflected configuration classes

  • [SPR-14550] - Classes with abstract @Lookup methods not registered in case of classpath scanning

  • [SPR-14692] - ScheduledAnnotationBeanPostProcessor should reliably apply after AnnotationAwareAspectJAutoProxyCreator

  • [SPR-14829] - ContentCachingRequestWrapper can have maxContentLength to limit caching

  • [SPR-14960] - Consistent autowiring behavior for specifically typed injection points against loosely typed @Bean methods

  • [SPR-15035] - Reactor2StompTcpClient should use a shared EventLoopGroup

  • [SPR-15040] - @Aspect pointcut declarations do not support dynamically loaded classes

  • [SPR-15043] - Backward compatibility: initDefaultStrategies() is no longer invoked on subclasses of "MessageListenerAdapter"

  • [SPR-15045] - Remove unused Log object from MessageHeaderAccessor

  • [SPR-15061] - Backport streamlined ClassPathBeanDefinitionScanner setup

  • [SPR-15067] - SchedulingConfigurer's ScheduledTaskRegistrar should reliably shut down before TaskScheduler

  • [SPR-15068] - xml websockets configuration does not mirror annotation configuration

  • [SPR-15069] - Track bean dependencies for calls between @Bean methods within @Configuration classes

  • [SPR-15075] - Remove String#toCharArray from ScriptUtils

  • [SPR-15090] - GenericTableMetaDataProvider could use non standard named TableMeta-Schema if only one found

  • [SPR-15091] - Implement MessagingException.toString()

  • [SPR-15094] - Improve performance of StringUtils.capitalize()

  • [SPR-15096] - Clarify WebContentInterceptor path mappings and efficiently match them

  • [SPR-15098] - Unable to specify factory bean in BeanDefinitionBuilder

  • [SPR-15101] - Netty4ClientHttpRequestFactory should use SNI for TLS connections

  • [SPR-15107] - Update MySQLMaxValueIncrementer to not rely on MYISAM

  • [SPR-15109] - Add MimeType and MediaType constants for RSS

  • [SPR-15116] - MockHttpServletRequestBuilder should support multiple locales

  • [SPR-15139] - org.springframework.messaging.handler.invocation.InvocableHandlerMethod should not mention "controller"

  • [SPR-15142] - MockSessionCookieConfig#maxAge defaults to 0 instead of -1

  • [SPR-15168] - MockRestServiceServer should allow for an expectation to never occur.

  • [SPR-15175] - Scheduled/JmsListenerAnnotationBeanPostProcessor free heap space

  • [SPR-15178] - DispatcherServet.checkMultipart() does not consider javax.servlet.error.exception that has a MultipartException cause

  • [SPR-15180] - Tolerate null return from getNegotiatedExtensions (for Jetty 9.4.1 compatibility)

  • [SPR-15182] - CookieLocaleResolver may disturb error rendering when locale cookie has a malformed value


  • [SPR-15053] - Refactor AbstractNestablePropertyAccessor#setPropertyValue(PropertyTokenHolder, PropertyValue)


  • [SPR-8704] - Doc: @Autowired properties not reliably set in FactoryBean before getObject

  • [SPR-14602] - Doc: @Bean methods on @Configuration class returned from another @Bean method do not work

  • [SPR-14998] - Compatibility with Hibernate Validator 5.4

  • [SPR-15052] - Doc: Can't issue PATCH request using RestTemplate with SimpleClientHttpRequestFactory

  • [SPR-15071] - Upgrade to ASM 5.2

  • [SPR-15072] - Doc: autowire-candidate="false" does not affect autowire="byName"

  • [SPR-15076] - Remove use of Boolean constructors in tests

  • [SPR-15077] - Avoid use of double constructor of BigDecimal in tests

  • [SPR-15129] - Using the Spring stomp broker relay forces reactor 2 and prevents using reactor 3

  • [SPR-15137] - Deprecate unused web-specific MimeTypeUtils constants

  • [SPR-15146] - Upgrade to Objenesis 2.5

  • [SPR-15153] - Reference documentation for Groovy bean definition DSL

  • [SPR-15155] - CookieLocaleResolver maxAge documentation wrong

  • [SPR-15170] - Improve the logging documentation




历史版本 :
Spring Framework 5.0.3 和 4.3.14,开始支持 JDK 10
Spring Framework 5.0.2 及 4.3.13 版本更新发布
Spring Framework 5.0.1小版本更新,修复部分缺陷
Spring Framework 4.3.12 版本正式发布
支持响应式编程 Spring Framework 5.0 稳定版正式发布
Spring Framework 5.0 最后一个 RC 版发布
Spring 4.3.11 发布,合并 EhCache 3 tests 至 spring-context-support
Spring Framework 5.0 RC3 发布
Spring Framework 4.3.10 发布
Spring for Apache Hadoop 2.5.0 GA 版本发布
Spring for Apache Hadoop 2.5.0.RC1 发布
Spring Framework 5.0 RC2 发布
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