发布于 2016-12-19 13:26:29 | 95 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
MooTools JavaScript WEB应用框架
MooTools是一个简洁,模块化,面向对象的开源JavaScript web应用框架。
// 通过$('id_name') 取得一个元素
// 用.addEvent添加事件
// ('click')定义了事件的类型
$('id_name').addEvent('click', function(){
// 在这里添加点击事件发生时你要执行的任何代码
alert('this element now recognizes the click event');
var clickFunction = function(){
// 在这里添加事件发生时你要执行的任何代码
alert('this element now recognizes the click event');
window.addEvent('domready', function() {
$('id_name').addEvent('click', clickFunction);
<div id="id_name"> <! -- this element now recognizes the click event -->
var mouseEnterFunction = function(){
// 在这里添加事件发生时你要执行的任何代码
alert('this element now recognizes the mouse enter event');
window.addEvent('domready', function() {
$('id_name').addEvent('mouseenter', mouseEnterFunction);
var mouseLeaveFunction = function(){
// 在这里添加事件发生时你要执行的任何代码
alert('this element now recognizes the mouse leave event');
window.addEvent('domready', function() {
$('id_name').addEvent('mouseleave', mouseLeaveFunction);
var function = keydownEventFunction () {
alert('This textarea can now recognize keystroke events');
window.addEvent('domready', function() {
$('myTextarea').addEvent('keydown', keydownEventFunction);
// 注意函数括号中的“event”参数
var keyStrokeEvent = function(event){
// 下面的代码是说:
// 如果按下的键为“k”,则做下面的事
if (event.key == "k") {
alert("This tutorial has been brought you by the letter k.")
window.addEvent('domready', function() {
$('myInput').addEvent('keydown', keyStrokeEvent);
var keyStrokeEvent = function(event){
// 下面代码是说:
// 如果按下的键是“shift”,则做下面的事
if (event.shift) {
alert("You pressed shift.")
window.addEvent('domready', function() {
$('myInput').addEvent('keydown', keyStrokeEvent);
<div id="body_wrap">
<input id="myInput" type="text" />
var keyStrokeEvent = function(event){
// 下面的代码是说:
// 如果按下的键为“k”,则做下面的事
if (event.key == 'k') {
alert("This Mootorial was brought to you by the letter 'k.'")
var mouseLeaveFunction = function(){
// 在这里添加事件发生时你要执行的任何代码
alert('this element now recognizes the mouse leave event');
var mouseEnterFunction = function(){
// 在这里添加事件发生时你要执行的任何代码
alert('this element now recognizes the mouse enter event');
var clickFunction = function(){
// 在这里添加事件发生时你要执行的任何代码
alert('this element now recognizes the click event');
window.addEvent('domready', function() {
$('click').addEvent('click', clickFunction);
$('enter').addEvent('mouseenter', mouseEnterFunction);
$('leave').addEvent('mouseleave', mouseLeaveFunction);
$('keyevent').addEvent('keydown', keyStrokeEvent);
<div id="click" class="block">左键单击(Click)</div><br />
<div id="enter" class="block">鼠标进入(Mouse Enter)</div><br />
<div id="leave" class="block">鼠标离开(Mouse Leave)</div><br />
<input id="keyevent" type="text" value="请输入字符'k'" />
包含MooTools 1.2核心库、一个外部JavaScript文件、一个简单的html页面和一个css文件。