发布于 2016-11-09 10:21:44 | 341 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Apache Lucene全文检索引擎工具包
Lucene是apache软件基金会4 jakarta项目组的一个子项目,是一个开放源代码的全文检索引擎工具包,即它不是一个完整的全文检索引擎,而是一个全文检索引擎的架构,提供了完整的查询引擎和索引引擎,部分文本分析引擎(英文与德文两种西方语言)。Lucene的目的是为软件开发人员提供一个简单易用的工具包,以方便的在目标系统中实现全文检索的功能,或者是以此为基础建立起完整的全文检索引擎。
Apache Lucene 6.3.0 发布了。
Optimize, store and deploy AI models in Solr
Ability to add custom streaming expressions
New streaming expressions such as "fetch", "executor", and "commit" added.
Parallel SQL accepts <, >, =, etc., symbols.
Support facet scoring with the scoreNodes expression
Retrieving docValues as stored values was sped up by using the proper leaf reader rather than ask for a global view. In extreme cases, this leads to a 100x speedup.