发布于 2016-09-05 23:49:29 | 131 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
RubyMine Ruby开发IDE
RubyMine是一个为Ruby 和Rails开发者准备的 IDE,其带有所有开发者必须的功能,并将之紧密集成于便捷的开发环境中,号称最智能的Ruby和Rails的IDE,能够大大增加Ruby和Rails开发者的开发效率。
RubyMine 2016.2.3 发布了,
Ruby Version Managers | Task | RUBY-18473 | Measure SDK and gemsets statistics |
No subsystem | Bug | IDEA-157496 | Webstorm freezes at splash screen |
Node.js | Bug | WEB-22909 | node_modules folder is always marked as "library root" with no ability to change the setting |
Bug | WEB-22900 | Log is spammed by WARN - ry.NodeModulesDirectoryManager messages |