发布于 2016-07-26 07:20:47 | 137 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Spring Integration Spring消息通信
Spring Integration能在基于Spring的应用中进行简单的消息通信,并通过简单的适配器与外部系统集成。这些适配器提供了一个更高级别的抽象,超越 了Spring对远程调用、消息和调度的支持。其主要目标是在保持关注点分离的同时,为构建企业集成解决方案提供一个简单的模型,该模型对产出可维护、可 测试的代码来说是必不可少的。
Spring Integration 4.3.1, 4.2.9, 4.1.9, 4.0.9 发布了。
[INT-1463] - Method getRemainingCapacity() (from QueueChannel.java) should be implemented in class PriorityChannel.java
[INT-4013] - <ref bean="" /> is really invalid within <int:channel-interceptor>, but the xsd does not indicate that
[INT-4054] - Mixed usage of SLF4J and commons logging
[INT-4056] - DefaultLockRepository constructor visibility
[INT-4057] - AbstractMappingMessageRouter fails when channelKey is resolved to Class<?>
[INT-4061] - In SI 4.3.0 reference manual, FTPClient.changeWorkingDirectory() should be set in ostProcessClientAfterConnect()
[INT-4063] - DefaultXmlPayloadConverter just supports DOMSource (documentation says otherwise)
[INT-4067] - IOException when processed empty file with FileSplitter and FileMarkers
[INT-4070] - GatewayProxyFactoryBean doesn't support Message<?> receive only variant
[INT-4072] - PublishSubscribeChannel with applySequence = true overrides MessageWithThreadState
[INT-4074] - Automatic channel creation makes applications brittle and very sensitive to class path ordering
[INT-4075] - AbstractStompSessionManager.connect() NullPointerException
[INT-4077] - RequestReplyScenariosWithTempReplyQueuesTests.testConcurrently fails intermittently
[INT-4064] - Consider improvment for IdempotentReceiverInterceptor Java Config usage
[INT-4058] - Add LockRegistryLeaderInitiator
[INT-4055] - Fix the latest vulnerabilities reported by SonarQube
[INT-4054] - Mixed usage of SLF4J and commons logging
[INT-4067] - IOException when processed empty file with FileSplitter and FileMarkers
[INT-4072] - PublishSubscribeChannel with applySequence = true overrides MessageWithThreadState
[INT-4074] - Automatic channel creation makes applications brittle and very sensitive to class path ordering
[INT-4075] - AbstractStompSessionManager.connect() NullPointerException
[INT-4077] - RequestReplyScenariosWithTempReplyQueuesTests.testConcurrently fails intermittently
[INT-3950] - Documentation references non-existent method
[INT-3999] - AbstractCorrelatingMessageHandler should not hold the reference to the MessageGroup from the forceRelease scheduledFuture
[INT-4043] - ExecutorChannel Does Not Call super.init()
[INT-4045] - NPE in ObjectToJsonTransformer
[INT-4067] - IOException when processed empty file with FileSplitter and FileMarkers
[INT-4046] - FtpRemoteFileTemplate exists() command not working as intended.
[INT-3871] - NPE in JsonPropertyAccessor.ToStringFriendlyJsonNode.toString method
[INT-3885] - Possible Dropped Reply in JMS Outbound Gateway, with <reply-listener/>
[INT-3893] - UnicastReceivingChannelAdapter race condition
[INT-3904] - Incomplete fix for INT-3871: need to use TypedValue.NULL instead of just null
[INT-3908] - NullPointerException from AbstractAggregatingMessageGroupProcessor when using Kafka Message Bus
[INT-3915] - FileChannelCache.tryLockFor potential memory leak
[INT-3950] - Documentation references non-existent method