发布于 2016-06-24 00:57:06 | 139 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Rocket CoreOS 的容器引擎
Rocket (也叫 rkt)是 CoreOS 推出的一款容器引擎,和 Docker 类似,帮助开发者打包应用和依赖包到可移植容器中,简化搭环境等部署工作。Rocket 和 Docker 不同的地方在于,Rocket 没有 Docker 那些为企业用户提供的“友好功能”,比如云服务加速工具、集群系统等。反过来说,Rocket 想做的,是一个更纯粹的业界标准。
Rocket v1.9.0 发布了,
新增特性 & UX 改进:
rkt/run: added --set-env-file switch and priorities for environments (#2816). --set-env-file gets an environment variables file path in the format "VAR=VALUEn...".
run: add --cap-retain and --cap-remove (#2771).
store: print more information on rm as non-root (#2805).
Documentation/vagrant: use rkt binary for getting started (#2808).
docs: New file in documentation - instruction for new developers in rkt (#2639).
stage0/trust: change error message if prefix/root flag missing (#2661).
Bugs 修复:
rkt/uuid: fix match when uuid is an empty string (#2807).
rkt/api_service: fix fly pods (#2799).
api/client_example: fix panic if pod has no apps (#2766). Fixes the concern expressed in #2763 (comment)
api_service: wait until a pod regs with machined (#2788).
stage1: update coreos image to 1068.0.0 (#2821).
KVM: Update LKVM patch to mount with mmap mode (#2795).
stage1: always write /etc/machine-id (#2440). Prepare rkt for systemd-v230 in stage1.
stage1/prepare-app: always adjust /etc/hostname (#2761).