发布于 2016-03-31 00:29:20 | 216 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Kamailio 开源 SIP 服务器
Kamailio项目诞生于2005年7月,它是从德国FhG FOKUS研究所主导的SIP Express Router(SER)项目组分裂出来的。新项目建立的目标是创建一个开放的开发环境,以建立一个强大的可扩展的开源SIP服务器。最初,新项目命名为OpenSer,后来因为商标侵权问题,在2008年7月28号,重命名为Kamailio(另外一个分枝是OpenSips)。
Kamailio v4.4.0 发布了。
nine new modules: cfgt, crypto, http_client, http_async_client, log_custom, log_systemd, smsops, statsc, topos
simulation of execution of configuration file and generating a report that can be compared between versions to detect regressions
strong encryption/decryption functions for configuration file
synchronous and asynchronous http client
custom logging backends – systemd and network udp relayers
SMS operations toolkit for 3/4G and VoLTE
topology stripping
selection of memory manager at startup with -x command line parameter
extended embedded API for Lua language
new core timer for non-critical tasks
plenty of enhancements to IMS and 4G/VoLTE extensions
read and write text files from configuration file
sql extensions for db text engine
config debugger improvements and new features (e.g., print outgoing message without sending it)
relative weight distribution algorithm for dispatcher module
ability to load more columns from database and store them in hash table for nosql-like caching via htable module
ability to load more columns from database and store them in a tree index in memory via mtree module
support for alternative federated exchanges and multiple simultanous servers in kazoo
per module memory usage statistics
many new config file variables and transformations
options for database management of rtpengine farms
capture all sip traffic can be controlled via a mod param option for sipcapture/homer (no other config functions or flags needed)
event route executed when a tcp connection is closed
support for SIP fragmentation over websocket