发布于 2016-03-17 07:25:49 | 173 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Erlang 编程语言
Erlang是一个结构化,动态类型编程语言,内建并行计算支持。最初是由爱立信专门为通信应用设计的,比如控制交换机或者变换协议等,因此非常适 合于构建分布式,实时软并行计算系统。
Erlang/OTP 18.3 发布了,
New statistics info about runnable and active processes & ports.
Call erlang:statistics with total_run_queue_lengths | run_queue_lengths | total_active_tasks | active_tasks.
Time warp improvements: dbg:p/2 and erlang:trace/3 with monotonic_timestamp | strict_monotonic_timestamp.
Introduced a validation callback for heart.
The module overload in sasl has been deprecated.
~90 contributions since 18.2
Changed Applications:
- asn1-4.0.2
- common_test-1.12
- compiler-6.0.3
- cosNotification-1.2.1
- cosTime-1.2.1
- cosTransactions-1.3.1
- crypto-3.6.3
- debugger-4.1.2
- dialyzer-2.9
- diameter-1.11.2
- edoc-0.7.18
- eldap-1.2.1
- erl_docgen-0.4.2
- erl_interface-3.8.2
- erts-7.3
- eunit-2.2.13
- hipe-3.15
- inets-6.2
- kernel-4.2
- mnesia-4.13.3
- observer-2.1.2
- orber-3.8.1
- public_key-1.1.1
- runtime_tools-1.9.3
- sasl-2.7
- snmp-5.2.2
- ssh-4.2.2
- ssl-7.3
- stdlib-2.8
- test_server-3.10
- tools-2.8.3
- webtool-0.9.1
- wx-1.6.1
- xmerl-1.3.10
Unchanged Applications:
- cosEvent-2.2
- cosEventDomain-1.2
- cosFileTransfer-1.2
- cosProperty-1.2
- et-1.5.1
- gs-1.6
- ic-4.4
- jinterface-1.6.1
- megaco-3.18
- odbc-2.11.1
- os_mon-2.4
- ose-1.1
- otp_mibs-1.1
- parsetools-2.1.1
- percept-0.8.11
- reltool-0.7
- syntax_tools-1.7
- typer-0.9.10