发布于 2016-02-24 03:22:21 | 137 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
EhCache Java的进程内缓存框架
Ehcache是一种广泛使用的开源Java分布式缓存。主要面向通用缓存,Java EE和轻量级容器。它具有内存和磁盘存储,缓存加载器,缓存扩展,缓存异常处理程序,一个gzip缓存servlet过滤器,支持REST和SOAP api等特点。
Ehcache Milestone 5 发布了,改进内容包括:
Support for byte sizing on heap,
Reworked cache event listener system,
Many improvements in configuration builders,
Alignment at the XML configuration level to offer better consistency,
More fixes to tiering which would expose internal state,
Many more improvements and bug fixes