发布于 2016-01-22 00:53:39 | 260 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递


Rust 编程语言


Rust 1.6 发布,该版本最主要的新特性是 libcore 变稳定,主要更新如下:


  • The #![no_std] attribute causes a crate to not be linked to the standard library, but only the core library, as described in RFC 1184. The core library defines common types and traits but has no platform dependencies whatsoever, and is the basis for Rust software in environments that cannot support a full port of the standard library, such as operating systems. Most of the core library is now stable.



  • Cargo will look in $CARGO_HOME/bin for subcommands by default.

  • Cargo build scripts can specify their dependencies by emitting thererun-if-changed key.

  • crates.io will reject publication of crates with dependencies that have a wildcard version constraint. Crates with wildcard dependencies were seen to cause a variety of problems, as described in RFC 1241. Disallowing them will create more predictable development experience and a more stable ecosystem. Since 1.5 publication of such crates has emitted a warning.

  • cargo clean accepts a --release flag to clean the release folder.  A variety of artifacts that Cargo failed to clean are now correctly deleted.


Compatibility Notes

更多内容请看:release notes


Rust 是 Mozilla 的一个新的编程语言,由web语言的领军人物Brendan Eich(js之父),Dave Herman以及Mozilla公司的Graydon Hoare 合力开发。

历史版本 :
Rust 1.23.0 发布,Mozilla 开发的系统编程语言
Rust 1.22.0 发布,Mozilla 开发的系统编程语言
Rust 1.21.0 发布,Mozilla 开发的系统编程语言
Rust 1.19 发布,Mozilla 开发的系统编程语言
Rust 1.18 发布,Mozilla 的编程语言
Rust 1.17 发布,Mozilla 的编程语言
Rust 1.16 发布,Mozilla 的编程语言
Rust 1.15 发布,Mozilla 的编程语言
Rust 语言服务器 Alpha 版本发布
Rust 1.14 发布,Mozilla 的编程语言
Rust 1.13 发布,Mozilla 的编程语言
Rust 1.12 发布,Mozilla 的编程语言
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