发布于 2016-01-17 00:20:41 | 185 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Hibernate Validator Bean 验证框架
用Annotations 给类或者类的属性加上约束(constraint),在运行期检查属性值是很优雅的.Hibernate Validator就是这样的一个框架.该框架是十分容易的(就像参考文档中宣称的那样),几乎没有什么学习曲线,Validator 是一个验证框架 不需要和Hibernate的其他部分绑定就可以使用,只要在你的项目中添加Hibernate-annotations.jar库就可以了.
Hibernate Validator 5.3.0.Alpha1 发布,此版本更新内容如下:
** 新特性
* [HV-872] - Implement optional relaxation of parameter validation consistent with Section 4.5.5
* [HV-1020] - ConstraintValidatorContext should allow to attach arbitrary context information to a ConstrainViolation
** Bug 修复
* [HV-864] - Cross-parameter constraint is disallowed by Annotation Processor
* [HV-1019] - Copying PathImpl results in hashCode==0
* [HV-1022] - Validator.validateValue does not work for JDK-8 TYPE_USE annotations
* [HV-1023] - Validator fails with Google App Engine due to use of restricted class java.util.ResourceBundle.Control
* [HV-1025] - Configuration streams not reusable on IBM JVM
* [HV-1035] - Wrong messages in Korean for NotNull and Null
** 任务
* [HV-1041] - Upgrade to jaxb2-maven-plugin 2.2
* [HV-1045] - Use WildFly 10.0.0.CR5 for integration tests and update to JodaTime 2.7
** 改进
* [HV-1021] - Monitor contention at ValidatorFactoryImpl
* [HV-1026] - Exceptions during execution of LoadClass don't provide enough context
* [HV-1037] - General code quality improvements
* [HV-1039] - Improve OSGi integration addressing class loading issues
用Annotations 给类或者类的属性加上约束(constraint),在运行期检查属性值是很优雅的.Hibernate Validator就是这样的一个框架.该框架是十分容易的(就像参考文档中宣称的那样),几乎没有什么学习曲线,Validator 是一个验证框架 不需要和Hibernate的其他部分绑定就可以使用,只要在你的项目中添加Hibernate-annotations.jar库就可以了.