发布于 2015-12-24 00:23:28 | 231 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Apache Kylin OLAP 分析引擎
Kylin 是一个开源的分布式的 OLAP 分析引擎,来自 eBay 公司开发,基于 Hadoop 提供 SQL 接口和 OLAP 接口,支持 TB 到 PB 级别的数据量。
Apache Kylin 1.2 发布,主要更新如下:
Kylin 核心功能增强
Support Excel, Power BI and Tableau 9.1 KYLIN-596,KYLIN-1065
Improve small file management on HDFS KYLIN-702
Env shell script enhance for Hive HCatalog KYLIN-1081, KYLIN-1119
Dimenion column supports high cardinality over 10 million KYLIN-1099
Enhance job page loading performance KYLIN-1154
Make memory budget per query configurable KYLIN-1190
主要 Bug 修复
Save cube issue in edit model KYLIN-1168
Couldn’t change a cube’s name after it be created KYLIN-693
Cube list missing under project KYLIN-930
Error when join two sub-query KYLIN-1033
Filter like (A or false) yields wrong result KYLIN-1039
Support get MapReduce Job status for ResourceManager HA Env KYLIN-1067
Can not send email caused by Build Base Cuboid Data step failed KYLIN-1106
ResourceTool download/upload does not work in binary package KYLIN-1121
Kylin’s sample cube “kylin_sales_cube” couldn’t be saved. KYLIN-1140
Unit test with minicluster doesn’t work on 1.x. KYLIN-1155
Can’t parse DateFormat like ‘YYYYMMDD’ correctly in query. KYLIN-1216
Apache Kylin一个开源的分布式分析引擎,提供Hadoop之上的SQL查询接口及多维分析(OLAP)能力以支持超大规模数据,最初由eBay Inc. 开发并贡献至开源社区。