发布于 2015-12-08 12:54:34 | 573 次阅读 | 评论: 1 | 来源: PHPERZ
$ cd ~/Download
$ tar xvzf nginx-1.0.0.tar.gz
$ cd nginx-1.0.0
$ sudo ./configure --prefix=/usr/local --with-http_ssl_module --with-ld-opt="-L /usr/local/lib"
$ sudo make
$ sudo make install
./configure: error: the HTTP rewrite module requires the PCRE library.
You can either disable the module by using --without-http_rewrite_module
option, or install the PCRE library into the system, or build the PCRE library
statically from the source with nginx by using --with-pcre=<path> option.
$ sudo ./configure --prefix=/usr/local --with-http_ssl_module --with-ld-opt="-L /usr/local/lib" --without-http_rewrite_module