发布于 2015-09-02 00:19:01 | 138 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
JBoss Forge J2EE快速应用开发工具
Forge 是一个快速应用开发工具,用来开发 J2EE 应用,提供一个可扩展的插件系统,强大的命令方式等等特性。
JBoss Forge 2.19.0.Final (Scepter) 发布,主要更新内容如下:
性能提升: Some addons were migrated to simple container, thus reducing the number of Weld instances being created during startup.
Bug修复: Some bugs slipped by in 2.18.0.Final, and we crushed them in this new release.
组件升级: We’ve upgraded Aesh and Furnace. Check the release notes below.
Forge 是一个快速应用开发工具,用来开发 J2EE 应用,提供一个可扩展的插件系统,强大的命令方式等等特性。