发布于 2015-03-30 00:02:27 | 255 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
Smack XMPP 客户端开发包
Smack 4.1.0 发布,Smack是一个开源,易于使用的XMPP(jabber)客户端类库。 此版本主要修改信息如下:
[SMACK-65] - Packet parsing should look for depth
[SMACK-237] - Handle more vCard values (XEP-0054)
[SMACK-383] - Allow the garbage collection of all object instances of a closed and unreferenced connection
[SMACK-424] - Add a MultiUserChat.presenceChanged callback method to be informed if a presence within a MUC has changed (joined, leaved, status change)
[SMACK-542] - MUC: RoomInfo should hold more data if the result contains a FORM_TYPE field
[SMACK-549] - MUCUser#getStatus should be a List
[SMACK-564] - Some tests fail with Java 8
[SMACK-570] - Smack does not support resourceparts which contain the '@' character.
[SMACK-571] - Don't remove the MUC listeners after a disconnect() , keep state of Connection between disconnect() and connect()/login()
[SMACK-573] - MessageEventManager treats error replies as message events
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Smack是一个开源,易于使用的XMPP(jabber)的 Java 客户端类库。