发布于 2015-01-18 01:52:51 | 193 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递




Sass 3.4.10 发布了,下载地址:https://github.com/sass/sass/archive/3.4.10.zip



  • inspect() no longer adds extra parentheses to nested maps.

  • Update the documentation of the random() function to accurate reflect its behavior.

废弃的内容—— 必读!

  • Passing a non-string value to the unquote() function didn't do anything useful and is now deprecated. In future, this function will follow its documentation and emit an error if a non-string value is passed.

  • Defining a function named calc, element, expression, or url(or the former two with a vendor-style prefix) is now deprecated. These functions were already shadowed by CSS functions with special parsing rules, and so were impossible to use anyway. In the future, attempting to define these functions will throw an error.

历史版本 :
Sass 3.5.5 发布,CSS 框架
Sass 3.5.2 发布,CSS 框架
Sass 3.5.0 和 3.5.1 发布,CSS 框架
Sass 3.4.25 发布,CSS 框架
Sass 3.4.23 发布,CSS 框架
Sass 3.4.22 发布,CSS 框架
Sass 3.4.20 发布,CSS 框架
Sass 3.4.19 发布,CSS 框架
Sass 3.4.18 发布,CSS 框架
Sass 3.4.17 发布,CSS 框架
Sass 3.4.16 发布,CSS 框架
Sass 3.4.15 发布,CSS 框架
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