发布于 2014-12-10 13:54:51 | 170 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递



java 是一种可以撰写跨平台应用软件的面向对象的程序设计语言,是由Sun Microsystems公司于1995年5月推出的Java程序设计语言和Java平台(即JavaEE(j2ee), JavaME(j2me), JavaSE(j2se))的总称。




  1:Which statement about the garbage collection mechanism are true?

  A.Garbage collection require additional programe code in cases where multiple threads are running.

  B.The programmer can indicate that a reference through a local variable is no longer of interest.

  C.The programmer has a mechanism that explicity and immediately frees the memory used by Java objects.

  D.The garbage collection mechanism can free the memory used by Java Object at explection time.



  1. public class test (

  2. public static void main (String args[]) {

  3. int i = 0xFFFFFFF1;

  4. int j = ~i;


  6. }

  7. )

  What is the decimal value of j at line 5?


  1. public class test (

  2. public static void main (String args[]) {

  3. int i = 0xFFFFFFF1;

  4. int j = ~i;


  6. }

  7. )

  What is the decimal value of j at line 5?






  What happens when you try to compile and run the following program?

  class Mystery{

  String s;

  public static void main(String[] args){

  Mystery m=new Mystery();



  void Mystery(){



  void go(){




  What happens when you try to compile and run the following program?

  class Mystery{

  String s;

  public static void main(String[] args){

  Mystery m=new Mystery();



  void Mystery(){



  void go(){




  A.this code compliles but throws an exception at runtime

  B.this code runs but nothing appears in the standard output

  C.this code runs and “constructor” in the standard output

  D.this code runs and writes ”null” in the standard output


  public class X{

  public Object m(){

  Object o = new Float(3.14F);//line 3

  Object [] oa = new Object[1];//line 4

  oa[0] = o;//line 5

  o=null;//line 6

  return oa[0];//line 7



  When is the Float object, created in line 3,eligible for garbage collection?

  public class X{

  public Object m(){

  Object o = new Float(3.14F);//line 3

  Object [] oa = new Object[1];//line 4

  oa[0] = o;//line 5

  o=null;//line 6

  return oa[0];//line 7



  When is the Float object, created in line 3,eligible for garbage collection?

  A.just after line 5.

  B.just after line 6

  C.just after line 7(that is,as the method returns)

  D.never in this method


  下述程序代码中有语法错误的行是( )。

  int i,ia[10],ib[10]; /*第一行*/

  for (i=0;i<=9;i++) /*第2行*/

  ia[i]=0; /*第3行*/

  ib=ia; /*第4行*/

  下述程序代码中有语法错误的行是( )。

  int i,ia[10],ib[10]; /*第一行*/

  for (i=0;i<=9;i++) /*第2行*/

  ia[i]=0; /*第3行*/

  ib=ia; /*第4行*/






  public class OuterClass {

  private double d1 = 1.0;

  //insert code here


  You need to insert an inner class declaration at line 3. Which two inner class declarations are


  public class OuterClass {

  private double d1 = 1.0;

  //insert code here


  You need to insert an inner class declaration at line 3. Which two inner class declarations are


  A.class InnerOne{ public static double methoda() {return d1;} }

  B.public class InnerOne{ static double methoda() {return d1;} }

  C.private class InnerOne{ double methoda() {return d1;} }

  D.static class InnerOne{ protected double methoda() {return d1;} }








  } while (b--<0);




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