发布于 2014-09-28 07:46:49 | 200 次阅读 | 评论: 0 | 来源: 网友投递
这里有新鲜出炉的Mithril.js 中文文档,程序狗速度看过来!
Mithril JavaScript 的 MVC 框架
Mithril.js 是一个客户端的 JavaScript MVC 框架。可将应用分成数据层、UI层和控制层。Mithril 压缩后只有 3kb 左右。API 提供一个模板引擎,带 DOM diff 实现,支持路由和组合。
Mithril 0.1.22 发布,此版本是个维护版本,现已提供下载,更新内容如下:
docs now have anchor links for easier navigation
there is more documentation for things that weren't that clear
json-p support added
now supports splat for children (e.g. m("div", m("a"), m("b"), m("i"))
for nicer Coffeescript syntax
by popular demand, m.module
now returns a controller instance
gracefully degrade on IE exceptions when setting invalid values
fixes for Typescript definition file
fixed bug in keys algorithm when mixing keyed and unkeyed elements #246
added promise exception monitor and reverted promise exception handling semantics to v0.1.19 semantics (see docs)
fixed redraw scheduling bug in old version of IE
fixed incorrect diff when document is root, and html element is omitted
fixed querystring clobbering in links w/ config:m.route #261
fixed rare bug that made events get dropped #214
don't send Content-Type header if there's no request data #280
Mithril.js 是一个客户端的 JavaScript MVC 框架。可将应用分成数据层、UI层和控制层。Mithril 压缩后只有 3kb 左右。API 提供一个模板引擎,带 DOM diff 实现,支持路由和组合。